
I hate to say it but this is a wise choice. After Akil left the show took a turn for the worse. Taking mj away from her family to new york, isolated her and disrupted the flow of the show, because the family was such an integral part of her life. The writing also didn’t make any sense.

7 is true but African slavery was in no way near the viciousness of slavery in the American South. Something that is not usually noted by people who say things like that.

What you not finna do is try to act like you’re better than Black Americans on this here site. Mk hun? Tuck that continental conceit right back in.

You tried it... I never lived in a ghetto EVER.. and my black ass family said all of this... and we are well-educated. And please don’t act like Africans can’t be hood as hell.

So much to say but I’ll just start with why is she in the corner of the backyard?

Mic check, mic check. Just testing out the new vocals. Sixth times a charm???... Am I posted? I’m giving up. What’s the rules to this pending ish.

My hair has been natural for about 7 years now and I just want it to be the biggest baddest Afro in the land.

Now, now... sure, an energized press is a dangerous thing for a potentially very corrupt public figure... but let’s give some credit to Trump’s utter contempt for U.S. intelligence agencies, too.

Whole wing por favor.

VSB’s favorite educator reporting in.

Lol seeing if this will work...

The Best part of this. I’ve been a lurker over at VSB for a minute. That means the VSB commentators coming over to here and then when things get cross posted to Jez. The clapbacks and the jokes that are about to commence. It’s finna be Lit. 

It’s a conspiracy to keep me from ever leaving this site, isn’t it. If Gizmodo makes a deal with Luvvie, I’ll never have to go anywhere else.

“And let me save you some keystrokes in the comments: we know NOT ALL WHITE PEOPLE, but I still said what I said.

Look, “grab em by the pussy” and mocking the disabled is already on tape and they’ve stuck with him. These 👏🏾 Folks👏🏾Do👏🏾Not 👏🏾Give👏🏾A👏🏾Fuck.

In about a decade of teaching, I have never once had a class that I couldn’t teach effectively because of a student’s hair, hat, shirt, shoes, whatever.

Well, yeah. There’s a lot of racism in Latin America. The Dominican Republic has been trying to deport all Haitians and people with any Haitian ancestry (important geographical note for anyone unaware: the two countries share the same island), and it’s mostly a thinly-veiled attempt to rid the Dominican Republic of

Dearest Jaclyn Nichole, your baby is gorgeous. He is also black. Please teach him that, and when he’s old enough, gently sit him down and give him the talk. You know, the one about being stopped by the police. 

That baby is black, blackity, black. That kids mother is in store for a rude awakening. Haitian and Puerto Rican fool he black.

Where you been? Tyrese has been lecturing black women for years now—on social media, in a book, he even co-hosted an “advice”(?) show with Rev. Run? (I guess he was in the running to become “America’s Next Top Steve Harvey”? And the sad part is that a lot of women took him seriously.)