Just don’t trust any white person period. Work with them, go to school with them, live by them. Trust hell no.
Just don’t trust any white person period. Work with them, go to school with them, live by them. Trust hell no.
Yeah it was funny. Um let’s move on that post was from yesterday and nothing has changed I said what I said.
Causing laughter or amusement and I was quite amused.
Get over it. The man is funny and if you can’t take a joke then don’t go to a comedy show. Black woman here. For christs sake he is one of the headliners on the Black and Brown Comedy Get Down with 4 black comedians and they got jokes for all y’all cry babies.
I keep telling everyone that I know that he is coming for us next so stay vigilant and be prepared to fight because this is not a drill this here is real.
I pray that she will one day know that her skin color is beautiful. Once you have been conditioned with these bad images of yourself it will take time to remove them it’s not as easy as some may think. I’m in my 40s and it took me so many years to know for a fact that I am beautiful with the skin color I was born…
Now you know Amerikkka ain’t gone like this. I’ll just sit back and wait for the show.
Lol, you tickle me. I’m going to get off of The Roots page and take myself to bed now because I have a long day at work tomorrow. You see I work with people who have intellectual and physical disabilities and unlike your man Donnie with pleasure I SERVE ALL OF THE PEOPLE. Again good day.
I said what I said, now good day sir.
STAHP, STAHP, STAHP just because we choose not to watch this orange clown stand in front of the crowd and put his little hands on the Bible and make a fake promise to serve ALL OF THE PEOPLE does not mean we are being manipulated. When people show you who they are believe them. This man has shown his entire ass and it…
Thank you, because I can’t and I won’t.
Say it Sista, SAY IT.
#BlackBoyJoy, I love it even made me tear up. I LOVE US.