He was the best god damned chicken basher I ever saw.
He was the best god damned chicken basher I ever saw.
How dare you. How absolutely dare you, sir.
Met this guy at a chicken bash in 92. Even back then he was a nut and widely considered such. I approached him half-cocked knowing what I was getting into. Even so he still found a way to surprise me and I’ll be damned if I didn’t end up learning something that day.
Mexico requires Voter IDs.
What does this mean??
Stop twistin my damn words.
Okay? But it really is 2019 and the reason that’s important is because ten years ago 2019 would have been considered pretty far into the future where things would be different. Well here we are and nothing’s changed even a little.
So brave.
Really just want to chat about the Hindenburg so I think I’ll go to my Hindenburg Facebook page.
I don’t have Twitter.
Def not a malapropism. Do you want to talk about the Hindenburg?
This is the exact kinds of hyperbolic, black or white thinking that got us where we are. Needs to stop and stop soon.
Anyone remember the scene from Clueless where they’re playing tennis and Amber tells the gals “My plastic surgeon told me to avoid anything where balls are flying at my face” and Dionysus clap back say “Well there goes your social life.”
Just checked my comment. I said 2019 not 2018. I know what year it is.
One dollar and thirty nine cents. No shame in that.
We talk a lot about getting POCs into better schools, jobs, other things. We talk a lot about how to help them overcome systemic privilege within our own areas of life: schools, jobs, etc. But we have a huge blindspot when it comes to things we don’t experience. Things we know little about. Things like jails and…
He should be miked up. That way we can hear what he says.
nO, you are.
Yeah right.