
Like the idea behind the app, but they need to make some adjustments. For one thing, it looks at my entire calendar and the separate calendars I've created. I have a calendar for sports (for the softball leagues I play on). Since I know where I'm going, I don't need it to look at that particular calendar.

I wonder if someone can make the argument that a cell phone could be a "personal computer" or sorts. If memory serves, the authorities needs a warrant to search a person's personal computer. With the advances in technology and phones very much functioning like computers, I don't think it's a stretch to say it's not

The overall app ratings for this app aren't the greatest. Most of the ratings with comments seem to be more about the "lack of privacy" versus the interactivity of the app itself.

Funny story - In 1997 I received two paper "gift certificates" for Best Buy from a work holiday party. I had filed them away and had forgotten about them until last year.

I thought you're not supposed to respond to spam as it only makes it worse? "Hey Vinny, we have a LIVE one!"

Wonder how long it will be before the RIAA goes after them for "illegal distribution of copyrighted works"?

@nctrns: Valid point. I think anything that contributes to the lifehacker philosophy should be permitted in a special section. I don't think having referral links like groupon, living social, or other things that don't pertain to the axiom of LH should be allowed.

@Andre Kibbe: I think it's a combination of both. They're concerned that any transmittal of documents, etc. to servers off site could be intercepted/hacked.

@jbrewster: I don't know of an extension per se. I have the ToDo iphone app that lets me schedule a "visit a website" task. I can assign a reminder, a due date/time etc. to it. I would imagine there are other task managers, ones for computers, that offer the same or similar type of functionality.

@MikeS.: In my bachelorhood days, I had a 5 gallon water jug I threw my coins into each day. I managed to get it a quarter full and had almost $400 in it.

@PrairieMoon: I don't usually promote a comment unless I respond (since that's done automagically, that's out of my control).

A question for my fellow lifehackers: Since the spamming of referral accounts is frowned upon in the general posts, would it be equally frowned upon here in the open thread?

I'm glad the weekend is upon us. I'm hoping that I won't have to work tomorrow, but with a looming deadline approaching, I'm not entirely optimistic that's going to happen.

I was always under the impression that people who vehemently deny / disagree when confronted, are usually lying - like they really have something to hide.

I'd love to be able to work from home, for increased flexibility (and productivity), but my employer is paranoid about having company information in the cloud. Doesn't matter how encrypted the files are, it's not safe enough for them.

Does taking a daily multivitamin count as a stimulant?

I bought the iphone app for Xmarks a month ago... I wonder if I'll still be able to use it with Xmarks or if I'll have to upgrade?

Seats that don't recline are typically up against a wall or in front of the exit row. The airlines are more than happy to charge a premium for the "convenience" of added legroom.

@dlinkwit27: Brilliant advice. Thanks for sharing!

I wonder why Amazon didn't just roll this into their existing app? Seems strange to need a second app just to check prices when their original app has the built-in bar code scanning ability.