
I've been a fan of Appigo's ToDo task manager. I can see the pros and cons of RTM and Toodledo, but I'm not a fan of having to pay for unlimited syncing and push notifications. Please. ToDo does it for FREE.

Wouldn't the opposite be true - extreme cold would kill the bed bugs? So luggage traveling in the belly of a plane would be at -X degrees, wouldn't that kill the bugs?

@infmom: Ha! I would like to stay married. I don't think leaving without her is an option.

I'm debating whether or not to send this to my wife.

Brilliant. Not only can you bike to work and do your part for the environment, but you can carpool as well. Or is that bikepool?

@thinkerer: Thanks for the kind words. I could certainly put together a bunch of these for various disciplines. Anyone want to suggest "quadrant" labels for their particular industry? Any other pertinent information? I'd be happy to help anyone with one for their desktop - just send me a direct message (click my

@redstarnyc: Glad you like it. I made it in Illustrator. Although, you could also use Photoshop or some other type program (Gimp would work - [] it's free).

I have created a computer desktop image that contains phone numbers of important / frequently dialed contacts as well as a fraction to decimal conversion cheat sheet. Being a graphic designer, it's helpful to see know what the decimal equivalent of 11/16's is.

@fughedaboudit: I would imagine Google offering an "eFax" type of service would really enhance their Google Docs offerings, especially if they're able to integrate such a service with the suite.

Saw an article on Gizmodo about using Dropbox (and other apps) - worthy of a read:

@Michael Huang: Thanks for your insight. I was trying to find the superfluous stuff, but didn't have much luck. I was thinking that it sounded a little steep, but wanted to make sure. I'm only a casual gamer, but the Blue-Ray capabilities of the system are what I find attractive.

QVC is gonna have a Sony PS3 special value this weekend. They sent me an advanced notice via email. Is $599 for what they're offering a good deal?

@Famf: A technique that worked for me is to be a pest. Not obnoxious, but consistent. My first job was working for a major grocery chain (while going to college). In order to get a job, I went in every week, at the same time, on the same day to say "hi" to the hiring manager.

@bohn002: Sunday Ticket is only available on DirectTV though, right? If so, I'm outta luck =/

@kettlewhistle: I would probably bring it up at the end of one of your meetings. Say something like "hey, there's one other thing I wanted to run by you to get your opinion on... I've been working here for X (amount of time) and have accomplished XYZ (equate to how your accomplishments have helped the corporate

So glad the NFL season is finally back. Any thoughts? Predictions? Anyone have any suggestions as to how to circumvent any looming blackouts without having to drive 75 miles from the broadcast area?

@unimportant: Agreed. Good observation. It still takes me forever to wade through all of the stock photo options that are available online.

@LARPkitten: Free fonts are certainly better suited for personal use rather than professional use. I think if fonts weren't part of my livelihood (graphic designer), I would probably be indifferent on free vs. paid. But since I use a wide variety of fonts on a daily basis, it's imperative that they not only look good,

@da5id_nz: Thanks for the link. Smashing Magazine is a great resource for design inspiration. I read it daily.