
@kellham002: fonts are just like software - people who design 'em, especially the "pricey" ones, toil for hours creating them. They need to be paid for their time, especially if the font is of top quality.

I like "free" but I also like quality. Many free fonts I've come across are crap. As the adage goes, "you get what you pay for."

I've been using 1Password for Mac and RoboForm for PC. I heard that 1Password is beta testing a PC version of their software. Would be nice to have one software across all platforms.

I have a Dell Hybrid... anytime I put a Blue Ray Disc, DVD, or other disc media into the drive, the system shuts off. A real pain if you ask me. Dell has been no help.

I'm curious if we should factor in the various holidays my company offers? If I were to add those in, I have four weeks off!

@David Ankers: Great program, was my GTD app of choice, but I got tired of them not updating it.

Vote: Appigo's ToDo

Anyone curious about the terms they use in printing may find this website helpful: []

@SuperTuna: I trust you have your cardiologist on speed dial?

Anyone have a Belkin Cooling Pad for their laptop? Any good? Saw them on sale at Costco and was wondering if they're worth the money.

@GreasyPig: Just a mere 10 days ago, Lifehacker had a post about this very topic. Take a read. Be sure to check out the comments as there were some interesting follow-up discussions.

@Wes: Congrats Wes. My wife and I are "practicing" toward our first. Exciting news!

They don't call it the "9th Circus" Court of Appeals for nothing.

I really like Appigo's "ToDo". A little pricey at $4.99, it has tons of great features and will sync to a variety of accounts at no additional charge.

Great idea for those who don't own one of those fancy canister vacuums.

@flinx1: Agreed, but I didn't create the promotion. Not sure why Kaplan is limiting the downloads to be done only through the iDevice and not on a PC or Mac. I guess since they're giving the product away for free, they can define how the content is distributed. It is an inconvenience, but I'm not going to quibble over

@maex: Are you using Safari on your iDevice? That's the one caveat, is that you have to use your mobile browser - it won't work on a PC or Mac based version of iTunes.

I have a credit card company that likes lowering my limit. I don't carry much of a balance on the card anyway, but they've cut the limit in half each of the past two years.

I rather enjoy checking my friends into strip clubs, only to hear about all the grief their wives give them upon returning home.