
Its not a legal quagmire, its the way “Corporations are People Too”. Trump Inc, is not Donald Trump. If he gives his shares to his kids he is fine.

Lets not pretend we can say for certain Hillary would have still won the popular vote had the election been about the popular vote. Red Californians and Blue Texans don’t bother voting. If it was a popular vote they would have and it would have thrown all calculations out the window. We have NO IDEA how it would

If they deny Trump the presidency then you’ll not only see people get rid of the electoral college, but the idea of a union as well.

The 1927 civil war wasn’t.

It really doesn’t matter what the law says if the law doesn’t have the consent of the governed. The law said the thirteen colonies couldn’t leave British rule and that Texas couldn’t leave Mexico.

Seriously? That is like asking why the continental congress would have violent blowback to the English crown when everything the English government did was within the system.

The last civil war was in 1927, people forget that.

Had the election been based on the popular vote people would have voted differently and we know that. We can’t pretending winning the majority of votes in an election where Red California and Blue Texas don’t bother voting due to the electoral college system has the same results and turnout as if it was a pure

Had the election started as a popular vote people would have voted differently. Most republicans in California and Democrats in Texas don’t vote because it doesn’t matter. You can’t pretend the majority of votes cast in an election not decided by the popular vote is representative of the majority of the population.