Seriously, M8?

I’m sorry, but that’s not what makes a good show. When you mentioned what makes Luke Cage “great” you didn’t mention anything to do with story, characters or really anything else that could be deemed important. You mentioned the performances, yes, which are indeed very good, but the rest of your comment was all about

Don’t fight it. Don’t try to explain it. Just embrace it.
Everyone needs to open their hearts and their legs to this new form of existence. It might be painful at first, but you’ll get used to it.
So, wipe away those tears, grit your teeth and bend over,
‘cause Mario’s got some plumbing to do.

This article fails to take into account that the offended party might be in the wrong themselves. Just because you’re “offended” doesn’t mean you’re in the right. Just because you’re a minority doesn’t mean you’re in the right. It’s ridiculous to expect an apology whenever you decide that your feelings are hurt, and

Unfortunately I have phimosis. Went to a doctor and turns out I need to get surgery. Got a referral to certain clinic over 6 months ago and still waiting to hear back from the place :’(

Oh shit, idiot alert. You immediately jump into calling him a bigot and a homophobe because he supports trash talking between competitors?
How about you fuck off, you whiny ignorant shit-head? I say “ignorant” because it seems you have no fucking clue about what you’re talking about.

PewDiePie raises over a million for charity, nobody bats an eye...
Makes a joke in poor taste, and every fool on the internet goes insane...
People like you are a serious issue, you ignore the merits of any given person as soon as they say something that you consider to be offensive.

Agreed. I just feel like throwing vitriol at JonTron will do nothing.
Most people will not take a good hard look at their own opinions when
they are attacked. Instead, if people debate them calmy, there is a possibility of change. I mean, I was pretty conservative when I was younger, mainly due to the friends I hung

That’s why I agree with you. I understand why JonTron believes what he believes, but his opinion is based in fear and he seems to believe that it’s worth keeping the good people out if it means the few bad apples are also kept out. That is why I disagree with him.

Well, do you really want to be taking in people from countries where couples are imprisoned for pre-marital sex, your hand gets severed if you commit minor crimes, and women get stoned to death for various reasons? My personal opinion is that yes, they should be allowed in, as long as they can intigrate to western

Excellent, thank you. I would be interested to find out if there IS a statistic, as it is possible that he had seen proof beforehand but failed to provide it during the debate. I reckon that he was just making biased guesses, though, as that evidance would have helped him. Thanks for having this conversation with me,

But are they? Did he reference a statistic? Does he have proof?
If he does, then why is it racist? They’re most likely not committing those crimes because they are black, but if they statistically are committing more crimes than poor white people, it’s not racist, it’s just fact, and that’s the way it is. Now, if

That’s definitely really shitty, but did he actually SAY that?
I mean, did he actually say that some races are GENETICALLY more susceptible to crime, or did he just reference a statistic that states some races tend to be more susceptible to crime? Because, statistically, some races will have commited more crime than

I read through his comments in the other article. He seems paranoid and scared of whites becoming a minority for some reason. Aside from that, nothing exactly seemed “vile”. Let me know what you thought was vile and I will gladly change my opinion on this topic if they’re as bad as everyone makes it out to be.

Eh, Playtonic is well within their rights to do this, of course, but it seems extremely petty to me. I mean, we all have so many opinions, it’s bound that we all have a few controversial ones. JonTron just decided not to hide his. I just find this all so annoying, people will fully endorse and support someone and then

There were of course also black men and women who voted for Trump.
You shouldn’t go and hate on a group of people because some of them did something you don’t like. That is basically the definition of racism.

I was agreeing with you up until you said “criminalizing racism in all forms (even saying the N word between two black friends”

Jesus Christ, we all believe that this woman’s actions are horrible, but you don’t need to go and put all white people in the same boat. We don’t all want to deport/murder you, FFS.

This is slighty unrelated to the article, but I feel like this is a good place to ask the question I have in mind. I’ve heard many opinions from conservatives or moderates, but since Kotaku’s audience tends to be of the extreme liberal demographic I think this is an oppurtunity to get some new viewpoints.

Do you have any actual evidence to prove this or is it just what you hope is happening? Because from the looks of your comment it just sounds like you’re angry and looking for something latch on to.

Kotaku wouldn’t be Kotaku without some petty race-bait article.