Seriously, M8?

‘We’re just going to show our gay’. Nice =3

I don’t consider myself to be a furry, but man, I’ve always wanted to bang Isabelle.

Is there anything a European like myself can do to help?
I want to help make a difference if possible, but I obviously can’t attend marches or protests and I have no money to donate... I share articles about the things going on when it feels right to do so, but there’s seemingly not a whole lot else I can do... Is

With most games being very progressive with their depictions of Women, is it really such a bad thing to have at least one game with sexy Women in it?
Is it really so bad to want to have a little eye candy while playing video games?

He looks like the coolest MF.

A true god among men.

Yeah I’m gonna have to disagree with you there.
Here’s to every video game company trying to one-up each other with bigger and more dramatic smooches!!!

Cockroaches love PS4s? SHIT! Oh, right, I don’t think there are any cockroaches in my country. Still, the thought of them invading my PS4 is still all to terrifying.

To anyone reading, please take solace in the fact that not all of us are like this. I wish men as a collective would try to be better, because they make us all look like monsters. Every man needs to step up and be better, for Women’s and Men’s sake.

Please don’t. The rest of us don’t want to be erased because of crimes that others committed... Or at the very least allow us to transition into Women before you begin the erasure :’(

It really shows how morally bankrupt you are in real life when your ‘good’ character chooses to side with an evil, murderous witch over people who had the AUDACITY to own property.

A balance has to be struck between gameplay and setting. You can make your setting as realistic as the gameplay will allow. This is why nobody complains about the lack of realism in the earlier Battlefield or Call of Duty games. The gameplay was ridiculous and highly unrealistic, but outside of the actual gameplay

There were Women in certain factions, but not all or even most.
Just because the Soviets and some others had Women, doesn’t suddenly mean that adding Women to all factions is not breaking the realism they’re trying to achieve to some regard.

She seems like a really cool person, good for her.
I like that she’s hiring because of talent and not just filling quotas. Maybe it will actually help make the show really good, who knows?

I reckon it had something to do with your ‘preferred dystopia’.
The fact that you claim to be anti-scumbag yet are ignorant of your own failings is a bit of a problem.

Okay, first of all, I’ve heard countless Women on the internet blaming men for their loneliness. To say that this never happens is dishonest, biased and ignorant. But everything else... Yeah, this is a serious issue we need to change.

Most of them are about the same price as video games, at least in my country. And they’re that price because they do look fuckin’ sweet.

Everything you say doesn’t seem to have any relevance to the topic at hand.

For as evil as the industry can seem at times, it still hits me right in the feels to see things like this. Good on him, he made a great game.

Or you could use the mute button? Have people forgotten about that?