Seriously, M8?

I always gag when I hear an American say that their country is “the greatest in the world”! Dumbasses.

Ireland is not so bad either. I live there, and while our politicians are cowardly pussies, the country is still pretty good, somehow. Racism isn’t as much of a problem here either, because most of our population is white, and has only gotten “diverse-ish” recently. This is a good thing because the timing is perfect.

Your country is fucked. Might as well get out now before shit hits the fan in your area.

I feel like this article is some kind of sick attention grab. After the brutal murders of innocent people, you decide to write a ridiculous article that basically claims “Oh look at me, I could die playing Pokemon GO”! I mean, what is this article trying to achieve? If you’re trying to say that you feel unsafe being

Whitewashed? She looks more ethnically Japanese than anything. But of course, you gotta say she’s been “whitewashed” and turned into a “white” character, because otherwise you wouldn’t be able to create juicy racism controversy!