Nor do you. So, I guess you can’t make your statement with any certainty either.
Nor do you. So, I guess you can’t make your statement with any certainty either.
Holy shit! It’s the real Goose Gossage!
Fuck a chicken, bro. have a clear anti-Harper bias. I’m not sure why I even took you seriously. You are clearly not interested in ANY opinion or fact that doesn’t support your preconceived idea. What’s the diagnosis for that? Isn’t it narcissism or something similar?
If it’s not a complaint...what is it?
You are not wrong.
TheMetsYankme is being intentionally disingenuous (or just plain dumb.)
It’s the narrative. Everything Harper does will be viewed through this lens.
I think there’s a bit in there about not having a motivation.
Your comment is to comments what Eric Byrnes was to outfield defense...trying waaaaay to hard and still looking incredibly awkward.
The zone was terrible ALL NIGHT LONG.
Apparently your argument is umpires are allowed to get calls wrong all night, and no one is allowed to get frustrated...but if a player gets one complaint wrong...TOSS HIM!
Well...your example DOES make someone a Goose Gossage dickhole.
Who said this was “fun”? No one.
Who said saying “fuck you” is the same thing as “making baseball fun again”?
This is the most classic strawman argument of all time.
When Harper eats a sandwich is that ‘making baseball fun again’?
When he shampoos that luxurious hair is that ‘making baseball fun again’?
Dude, just because a guy says “Make baseball fun…
This interpretation goes along nicely with his absurd decision to toss Harper. The common thread of personal disdain for a player runs through both actions...and is classic “Look at Me!” umpiring.
Setting an example is also UmpShow.
I understand what you’re saying. It is a reasonable point. But what you’re saying still points to an an umpire making every about him.
Oh look...a media driven narrative duplicator!
I agree. It is CRAZY that they didnt’ write more about Draymond Green in an article entirely about Steph Curry’s return.
[Notes: If you want a game recap, read a game recap. Also, I LOVE Draymond, and was really sad he didn’t play when GSW came to Denver this year. You’re complaint is just absurd.]
Cue all the Bulls fanboys saying that coming back from a knee injury is a billion times less impressive than playing through the flu.