Steve Steversom

Cocaine is a good guess, but maybe he’s allergic to all those pussies he’s been grabbing? Did he touch his eyes afterward?

“Please refrain from using our date enhancer, Sir. Roofie Brand has a standard that we try to live by and you don’t reflect our morals. Please, in the future, use chloroform for all of your nonconsensual needs.”

The trump campaign hired Sontaran body guards apparently.

Clearly not, because I have zero idea what you mean or what you are trying to say.

Somewhat related question, how happy do you think Paul Manafort is that his Ukrainian corruption got exposed before the media really started digging into Trump’s past?

The best thing about the rich accidentally cracking their hard metal and carbon fiber shells is that it makes it that much easier to pry out the soft, sweet flesh! We are going to eat well tonight!

Did you make friends with a couple of twin girls who always spoke at the same time?

This shit has to stop. And I'm not talking about the protesting.

All generations are mostly crap.


During the national anthem I was lying naked on my couch trying to eat corn chips off my chest without using my hands. I hope I didn’t offend anybody.

Reminds me of:

I would rather be cremated.

$3700 *over 2.5 years* vs $5000 gas *per year*

I find it hard to call a comfortable car, that will go well over 200k without issue crappy.

But he ended up letting Deckard live.

This is truth. As a lifelong Seattlite, I have adopted a policy of just making plans that I am willing to do by myself, and people can join if they want, but I try not to let other people’s participation dictate if I’m going to do something. It’s much easier on the soul.

Look, matey, I know a dead building when I see one, and I’m looking at one right now.