
Interesting! I generally love this kind of stuff so I'm surprised I kind of just missed feeling strongly about the Sound of Music.

Random - but I've seen a bunch sorrounding this discussion that people are more emotionally attached to the Sound of Music than Peter Pan. Really?? I'm 24 and a *total* reformed theatre nerd. I was in Peter Pan a couple times when I was a kid, and grew up on the cartoon version and Hook

.....we might have gone to elementary school together

Since "white" is a social construct built up to be exclusionary, it's disingenuous to act like there's not a difference between anglo-saxon "old money" type of white people and 2nd and 3rd generation eastern/southern european white people (italians, eastern european jews, etc.). Only recently have the latter

Thank you so much for the advice everyone - I will try to reply to as many people as possible.

Thank you so much - the entire time I was getting ready to move/moving I kept thinking that I was ready to take this kind of risk and that it was an adventure no matter what happens and that it's ok to fail, but I just wish I had let him go when I had the chance to make a clean break without all these messy financials

Thank you so much this advice made me cry. It's so hard because we don't fight, we're so happy when we're together, and he's my best friend. I just feel like it IS a good thing. I wish this wasn't happening - I'm at the 24 hour mark or so and still haven't spoken to him, which is for the best. It's going to be hard to

Hey all - so I posted this last night on SNS and I got some wonderful advice, but it was a bit late in the game and I got kinda lost in the greys. I'm going to repost and see if anyone has any additional advice, because it was super helpful. Thanks <3

Idk - if I went to a pool with my friends/a social group and I had my hair done and didn't want to go swimming, that's fine, but this is school.

Edit: It's been 4 hours since we talked, and I'm really regretting bringing up my general unhappiness with the inbalance of our relationship because if I didn't tell him I wanted him to treat put more effort into our relationship he wouldn't have told me he needed space instead. I'm just regretting starting the

So I realized there were a few details I forgot to mention:

So - I'm not really enjoying my new (current) job but it's objectively a really great job, it's just an intense intense workload - 9am-midnight almost everynight (which is putting additional strain on my relationship). To be perfectly honest, not to brag, finding a job really won't be a problem for me - I'm in a STEM

Thanks! I mean, I just don't know, I really want to be with him - I didn't really represent any of the good stuff about our relationship and there's a whole lot of it! So, to clarify, this isn't like a "seeing other people" break, we're just taking a little time off from seeing eachother and talking every day while we

Thanks - I think it's nice to hear that validated, he's such a good guy in so many ways it's just hard to recognize that he doesn't treat me right with committment.

Ahhh - long time lurker and general grey person. I could really use some advice :-/

So - my boyfriend and I decided to take a bit of a break today until after the holiday season is over. Without giving away too many identifying details, here's what happened:

I appreciate animals, am friendly and enjoy dogs in general, but I do not want to own a dog until after I have children. If my partner wanted a dog asap that would be a real issue for me - I want to go on extended vacations and stuff!

"Finally, there is QUITE a bit of gossip about Amanda Bynes's therapeutic routine at Las Encinas Hospital, but we'll skip it, because isn't it about time that we stopped making fun of someone with mental illness?"

Having seen naked Rhianna many times - I'm going with "she has good boobs"

After it was leaked instead of just being like, "oh well that happened and it's out there" and sweeping it under the rug, the Kardashians bought the rights to it (I believe) so now it's like - The Kardashians released it with Vivid Entertainment. Rather than it just being on the internet and them not getting anything