Nothing you can do now, unfortunately. Pay it forward! Give someone helpful a tip in your country :)
Nothing you can do now, unfortunately. Pay it forward! Give someone helpful a tip in your country :)
Wait - but Cameron didn't say anything about bisexuality. It wasn't like, "are you bisexual?" "I believe all women are beautiful"
Ok, so people buy covers with black people on them. So where's my kerry washington and lupita n'yongo covers? pretty pretty please vogue? I'll buy them!
I hate the attitude that it's not ok to be a grown man with a desire to date a woman who looks young. As a 23 year old who is regularly estimated to be 15-17, I would find it very offensive for a relationship with a slightly older man to be considered "creepy" because I happen to be born with a baby face.
There are so many comments like, "oh just say no! politely decline!"
blue eyeshadow would look amazing on dark skin/dark eyes combo! Leighton is pulling it off, but idk if my pale faced blue eyed self could handle it.
I agree with BeyonceIsTheLastUnicorn - i.e. the Kardashians. Or how some people like to call them - the "kartrashians". No one makes trailer park references, just simply like, "money can't buy class". Some people refer to them dating black men or whatever but they're never assigned poor white stereotypes, just, well,…
How did this get obtained? Financial statements of a private company are PRIVATE documents. Super private - actually.
Serious question.....what are fillers? Are those really a thing young women get?
Forgive me....COD?
Dump it where? I don't get why they made this decision it is so irresponsible!
He hit on my friend at a bar she was working at! they exchanged numbers and went for drinks once - she had no idea who he was just thought he was incredibly handsome (she's a very pretty girl so getting hit on by extremely handsome guys was not THAT out of the ordinary for her). He was a decent guy - obviously not…
I have a job interview on Monday and I know they're going to give me a technical portion I'm not completely prepared for and I'm feeling overwhelmed - trying to learn 2 years of skills in two days.
Boooo :(
I feel this way about a lot of things. If you don't want to do something, just politely decline and be clear with people. There are so many reasons it will be a hardship to be a bridesmaid but you can still participate in someone's event.
I've been to 3 weddings in the past year (I'm mid twenties), and all of them had bridal parties of like 8-12!
Wow, it's so weird/cool that Jennifer Lawrence completely blends into that group of girls. She doesn't stand out at all. She's just another pretty white girl wearing the same dress as 10 other average pretty white girls. I could'nt find her at first!
Similar thing happened to me - same kind of casual ask-out (I have a ticket to x do you wanna come? very innocent/nice).
Are you athletic at all? A great source of friendship for me has been social sports clubs - I play extremely casual touch football at a petite woman and it's a blast! Also, i used to take outdoor bootcamp "in the park" classes ran by a small studio and the woman who ran it arranged meet ups and dinners, i never went,…