
David, have you made an offer on the Jeep, yet?

Not with you mouth it ain’t

Already laid the deed to my home on that line.

Gotta deliver all those welfare checks😀

- says he does not have much to say

A someone who has a minivan and other cars, I laugh at how I drive no differently in either, but am always tailgated in my minivan and rarely while driving my other cars.

Becky would also be acceptable

I’ve got a feeling the driver has short cropped blonde hair, asks to speak to the manager all the time and is named Susan, Karen or Linda.

Why do I get the feeling that everyone saying they want a third pedal never actually drove a manual in traffic for too long and would never manage to do it if they eventually have one..?

I really think the overtime rules need to be changed. The full period should be played. The way it is now the games was basically decided by a coin flip. Ridiculous.

I really don’t like the rule where both teams don’t get the opportunity to take the field during overtime. A team can respond if the opposing team takes a field goal, but they can’t respond with a touchdown if the other teams scores seven?

Two overtime conference championships in the same day should be great football, but by far the biggest stories from each are how terrible the officiating was. Put that on top of the best offense in football doesn’t even get a chance to touch the ball in the second one and I just feel robbed. This should’ve been a

Yeah, I couldn’t understand the argument about the angles. You had one angle that clearly showed air between the thumbs and the ball, and another that showed that it didn’t hit the arm. What more do you need?

On which part of the replay does it look like the ball touched him?

Now playing

Let me start by saying I’m not defending this guy at all. However, newscasters get paid to talk. And they talk a lot, which can lead to some really interesting verbal brain farts sometimes, especially when they have to improvise. Take this funny harmless gaff for example. I have no idea WTF he MEANT to say, but this

That’s funny. In France, they don’t teach reading until kids are about 6-7. Same with Scandinavian countries. Japan doesn’t begin until first grade either — that same 6-7 years of age.

So no, your child would not be considered ‘developmentally stunted in most other countries’, but quite the opposite. Teachers would

People also bring their fucking dogs into restaurants and supermarkets and nobody says boo, so whattayagonnado?

I am most impressed that there is a VW made in Germany. Which one?

So wadda want? An extension [on your warranty]?

Right now there is an engineer in Germany telling another one “ I told you it would work! Slipped it right passed Heintz in ze quality control!”