
I hear this refrain often but honestly why won’t cheap gas last?

BIG difference now:

In 2008, people were paying $4 per gallon to put gas into their 15 mpg 2003 Ford Explorer 2WD and were clamoring to find something like 23 mpg 2008 Ford Fusion or a 29 mpg Toyota Corolla. At 12k miles per year, the switch in 2008 would have saved them $90 - $130 per month or so in fuel costs.


In the words of Van Halen...”Only time will tell if it stands the test of time....”

Ford is still laying off engineers and white collar staff. They are literally laying off people as we speak. (source: close friend that was let go by Ford today, and watched coworkers get walked out earlier this week)

They are building a lot of CUVs, which are not your father’s SUVs. Have you seen the mpgs on these things? Many are getting over 30 mpg.  A far cry from the days of 12-15 mpg truck-like SUVs.

Nah, they’ll just hybridize their crossovers, which are already at least 30% more fuel efficient than the SUVs from the prior bubble. Which is exactly what Ford and GM are investing in right now.

So, all of your vehicles are really, really old? Sure, if that’s your thing, but that’s not ideal for most of the population.

With suicide doors.

Well *that* sounds a bit harsh. Not a fan of ragtops, yeah?

Exactly. GMs whole thing on Monday was to position itself to make more of the cars people are buying and cut the ones that they aren’t. Small cars are still sold in other markets and small engine development is still ongoing, so they’re not dead in the water if gas prices go up. Fords doing the same thing, but FCA may

Get your fucking logic out of here, man.

Every modern EV phones home, from Fiat to GM. 

So, I guess you don’t ever use the cruise control on your car?

Ten percent of this article was written with Autopilot.

A billion is a lot of miles. That’s like 2 billion trips over to buy a pack of cigarettes.

You’ll always have the rebels.

If it’s mid 50s, that’s a hell of a Jeep Tax. Consider that the size, payload, and towing capacity are basically the same as the Colorado and Ranger, both of which start mid 20s and might wind up in the 40s if you’re ticking boxes.

sadly, there will be no reasonably priced ones. Have you priced current new/used jeeps? They are ridiculous and this will be exactly that. 

Start saving your pennies now. I can only imagine how expensive these things are going to be...