Why do these idiots train so hard for the Moron-o-lympics? The prizes just aren’t worth winning.
Squad cars, FBI vehicles, and government officials..
Michigan is the Florida of Ohio which is the Georgia of Wisconsin which is the Texas of Indiana
“There is no suspect information available and police are still investigating both incidents.”
Ohio would like a word with you.
The difference between a good person and a bad person isn’t that only a bad person has bad thoughts. Good people think all sorts of bad stuff.
Inside their establishment, absolutely they do.
Do I think people loudly talking on speakerphone is annoying as shit? Yes! I barely want to hear my own phone conversations, much less yours! That’s why God, who previously did not exist, came into existence just to invent text messaging toward the end of last century, and then disappeared back into his previous…
So my Salvadoran family is loud, we have that stereotype, and we own it. If you want to be heard in a conversation you need to be louder than the person that’s already talking. Sixteen of us were at a restaurant for someone’s birthday, and a Karen table of two complained to the manager we were being too loud. The…
Document, document, document! Every talk, meeting, bullying, every schedule, document it all, and keep it organized!
I told myself that I wasn’t going to comment for a while, but this brother deserves some words. What a beautiful and tragic story. I’m sorry that he’s gone but glad it was natural causes. I really hope that it was painless and that those interactions truly changed his short life. It’s sucks that there’s less light…
“No matter if it was a stranger, his mom or a family member, he was just a ball of light with so much energy. He was always positive, always had a smile on [his] face and he was always a joy to be around. He left an impact on a lot of people.”
MTG is just another white lady who thinks she has the right to get into someone’s face because her white femininity will protect her. I’m not sure consequences work on such an ingrained belief — MTG has been taught that nothing is holier or more right than what a white woman “feels” and “believes.” Her election has…
Because that could lead to a civilized discussion that would be much more difficult for him to quickly escalate into a racism based arrest and battery.
but she’s later seen approaching mounted police officers
“In what turned out to be a Zoom class unlike any other...”