Can't make sense out of nonsense

They mistook an 11-year-old girl for a 16-year-old?

Those FBI stats are not crime commission statistics; they are arrest statistics. They don’t measure how often black or white people actually commit crimes; they only demonstrate that black people are arrested more often.

I think you might need to use pictures..

“They’re bad people, folks. Through and through.”

Also, is the company ruined? Like, are the doors still open and folks are going to work every day? Companies get new leadership and are just fine. He has a pretty grandiose sense of self-importance, which isn’t surprising.

Berglund said, “...and it’s ruined my life. It’s ruined my company. It ruins everything about my situation right now...”

Yeah, well, if you want to expand the story beyond the two men, Trump is still president.

Well, I mean... the Uber guy is probably still making a shitty wage and being exploited by Uber, while the founder and former CEO is probably extremely rich and has no actual worries, so... uh.

I hate reading about these incidents....but I am so ridiculously gleeful when some idiot gets caught with his true self showing and suffers consequences. I am a bad person.
Also, the whole “this is not who I am” thing has got to go.
It is EXACTLY who you are. And you suck.
The fact that this tit lost his CEO job just

Happy or sad, it sounds like everyone got the ending they deserve.

So hypothetically speaking, let’s say that using a racial slur is wildly out of character for this gentleman. That means that he got so angry* about not being able to sit in the front seat that he used a term that he finds completely inappropriate in any normal circumstance. So maybe along with working on not being

A white judge making racist statements and having racist views? About a Black person? And Black people in general? I am shocked! Shocked I say.

He needs his racist ass whooped and then he needs to be disbarred. Every single case that this nazi motherfucker presided over or wrote warrants for needs to be re-examined by a third party source as well.

Stahp, lol.

Seal’s her babydaddy, so she’s black by injection.

How much did PETA pay for that ad? Did they get a charity discount? Did they realize they supported the NFL? Do they think people are going to stop eating chicken wings, hot dogs, hamburgers, ribs, riblets, babyback ribs, more chicken, pork chops, sausage, watch that commercial and say, oh hell yes. I’m a monster.

Was the joke lame? Yes
Was the joke racist, homophobic/transphobic, anti-Semitic or etc? Nope 
Is it worth getting fired over? Nope

It was a Piston’s game. No one was watching. 

I agree, this is a tiny something but... “New York City also does not admit fault or liability”.