S. DeCaluwe

Upvotes for all of you. Flip a coin twice. How sure are you that you won't get 'heads' both times? That's how sure Silver was that Trump wouldn't win (i.e. not very).

This was actually the first Dylan that I listened to. Hard to decide whether I'd put it or Blonde on Blonde as tops.

If fewer than 11 necks are broken during this film, I won't be seeing it.

Wrong x3. Witness: Cool but too self-aware; not cool and too obsessed with teenage melodrama for albums 1-3; and moderately talented but totally headf#cked by the fame that accompanied Siamese Dream.

Classic songs with a long history. Southern boys just like you and me.

Ah, agreed. But still boring, to me at least. If we're comparing sports to some sort of intellectual equivalent, football is chess, basketball is physics, and baseball is economics - the dismal science, indeed.

Fair points, both of you.

You can quote numbers (or George Will) all you want (and I don't really watch much football, either), but that does nothing to convince me that baseball isn't mind-numbingly boring.

Yes, but without that call they definitely lose, no?

Everyone knows that Ryan started the fire.

…not to mention the sheer boredom of watching (or talking about, or thinking about) baseball.

When Fred Armisen came to visit in season 2 was the first time it was mentioned (or was it her mother, that time?). Ugh, not the best episode.

No way - they're gonna shut this thread down, and knit'll never come up again.

She's Chet Haze's sister, obviously.

Yes, that album is amazing. I was starting to think that I might actually enjoy the Jicks more than Pavement, but then Mirror Traffic came out.

Love Wowee Zowee, but "best Pavement album?" It's not even father to a sister of the best.

Easily the best of this bunch. Not a high bar, so I'll restate: I liked it!

Heh - I totally thought that was Michael Ian Black in the photo, up there.

That's definitely the effective result. I couldn't give a rat's ass about this show - the only thing I knew about it previously is that Morrissey wouldn't appear on a late night (Kimmel?) the same night as these guys.

And it has Ben Stiller. Automatic minus.