Apparently, our office mail delivery is CRAP!
Apparently, our office mail delivery is CRAP!
A month after I started my current job, my boss came by and said, "hey, nice touch on the thank you note that I just got from the office mail".
then you could just put in the first 14 digits of pi or go through the fibonacci sequence for about 30 digits...ha!
some banks (like mine) allow more digits. (I think up to 8)
EVen better than taking a photo and printing it: if you have a 3-in-1 with a flat bed scanner, just make a photocopy of your laptop or electronic device.
that's what I use, on my Linksys router, and it couldn't be easier to set up. 1 Router, 2 Networks. BTW, the guest network is also WPA2 protected, but it will just not allow network sharing.
brilliant idea...
would suck if you accidentally put some in your drink
They have super hydrophobic sprays that work really well and won't mess up your boots. Just Google it, and you'll even find a bunch of Youtube videos testing what this stuff is capable of.
What about
actually, one week ago - July 27
This looks like a Repeat of a thread from 2 weeks ago...
they can be found at the home improvement section of stores like Walmart, or you can find them at Lowe's, Home Depot, etc
i have used in the past.
I just moved this month, and I wanted to share the following tips/tricks:
the shortcut to the gallery layout sends you to the wrong page...