Irving Snapoversteer Washington

Thank you! Finally something worthy of covering my rippling musculature.

Anyone else interested in this?

Video or it didn't happen.

We're never going to come to agreement about what constitutes acceptable speed until we can be honest about it. Tolling authorities have been able to tell your speed between points for years, but they won't use that data to enforce speed limits because users would come unglued. Because, deep down, most of us do not

Pure genius.

Very odd. And I am truly disappointed. Watching the race, I was thinking the entire time how much I wanted to drive that track. COTA management doesn't really seem to have its S together. The track is awesome, as you've heard from F1 drivers, but the amenities around the track weren't even close to finished before

Jesus Marimba! That nasty left at the end of the long straight is going to be ridiculous.

I wasn't clear. What I meant to say was that there's not enough market for mini-trucks or they would still compete against a stripper half ton with a V6. And now that I think about it, it could just be that manufacturers don't perceive that they can make good enough margins on minis.

Orlover, I know a rhetorical question when I see one, but that's never stopped me from answering it anyway.

Ed Whitacre is an asshole. His leadership of SW Bell and AT&T made the market worse for consumers. He and GM and the White House all want us to believe that GM needed, needed, needed that sweet government money check, but the White House has essentially confirmed that GM was never taking the problem seriously. So

Great idea for a weekend feature.

I protest this COTD until ICE verifies his eligibility to legally comment in this country. Long form!

Your point about difficulties in the manufacturing process is reasonable and valid, of course, but there's just something about the way they rushed these things to market to give impractical and flawed vehicles to rich people on a time table designed to make sure they kept the tax money flowing in that makes me

All?! I'm sorry; I thought for a minute you said "all."

Is this part of a Blondie song?

Pucker suction was so strong it pulled the whole car back to the ground.

Well said. A separate justification for the event is that WE'RE FUCKING AMERICANS (and Australians and Japanese and just about anyone else who cares about freedom). We take risks of our own choosing on a closed course? Whose business is it to tell us not to roll down the mountain in a ball of flame? We should get

France, for many years, banned the teaching of other languages because they were deemed offensive to French unity. Even today, they're trying to ban head scarves. Canada has a quasi judicial journalism review agency that can fine journalists for publishing negative statements about Muslims. Germany bans Nazi

If you're not free to express offensive ideas and display offensive symbols, then what the heck do you mean by the word "freedom?" Who decides what's legal to say, display, write, or believe? The majority? That's not freedom. And what's next? If the majority of the US voted tomorrow, you might wind up with a law

Agree, and it's such a symptom of GM's apparent complete incompetence at weight reduction. This should be a 3500 lb car max.