
As far as the second question, I don’t have a good answer because I’m a cis woman and have not experienced ever not feeling that I am a female woman. However, from what I’ve heard, my experience differs from a trans person’s experience in that while I did not like the roles I was supposed to play in society, my

Gender expression is useful because it doesn’t always match gender identity. That’s why they are listed separately. It is an important facet of how some people identify themselves- for example, a cis woman may label herself butch and dress in a way that is considered masculine. This does not make her less cis, but it

It’s understandable how there would be confusion and questions. Perhaps this graphic will help (which I got from here, FYI):

Obviously a woman making a video is silly, but Nabokov writing about fucking a teenager is ART.

I find it strange and alarming that so many people who might approach a fairly inscrutable piece of literature with a sense of inquisitiveness—willing to analyze it and think critically about it and explore the possible meanings—are dismissing this art piece out of hand as silly, worthless, stupid, self-promotion,

Every time I read or listen to something about ‘Upward Mobility’ it inevitably and inescapably makes the presumption that moving up as a POC or a woman or any other minority in a rigged system designed for cisgender white men has a positive connotation; that it is something to be proud of oneself for and aspire to.

There is something fundamentally wrong with GMO’s but its not the direct impact it has on the health of those who eat it. That conversation needs to take a back seat to the fact that GMO’s are homogenizing our food crops. If we create the perfect corn using genetic modification, thats all the corn we grow because it

You’re right. One step won’t rectify the entire problem, so we might as well take no steps at all.

I was correctively raped as a result of being asexual. He was going to "fix" me.

So I'm Australian so feel free to bash away, but I am gobsmacked at the "child safety" priorities here. Every day I read on my newsfeed in the US about mass school shootings of children, children shooting each other at home, a 2 year old shooting their mother in Walmart, accidental death of 6 year olds playing with

The circlejerk over the Interview in the current moment, and the longer moment of the U.S. media's distanced and uninformed view of the entire Korean peninsula is pretty fucking disgusting. It would be cool if basically anyone from Brian Williams to Seth Rogen opened up a Wikipedia page on Korea and read something

Your answer is exactly the problem I'm having. I asked an honest, sincere question. Your reaction was to insult me, while giving a thoughtful response. However, another person had a completely different answer and encouraged the question and gave an equally thoughtful response. Two different people, two highly

"Good white people" demonstrate the qualities that all good people demonstrate: kindness, empathy, compassion, thoughtfulness, unconditional love. These are the values I try to instill in my students; that parents try to instill in their children.

I find most of this essay very powerful. One area I wonder about is where you think good white people feel like they should be rewarded - what should good white people do then? Not delete trolls? Not be outraged? Keep the outrage to themselves? I understand the frustration of people seemingly wanting to be

It would be very disheartening to see a reddit troll('s likely lie) ruin this for everyone. GT always finds a way though ;)

From the mods on GT: Please remember, everyone, that while we state this as often as we can it never gets old: Jezebel and Groupthink are very public places. While GT is a nice spot and we get the benefit of heavy moderation and a supportive community, it is still VERY public. My general advice is to not do

Friendly reminder that the US edition of Time Magazine sees its readers as idiots and is terrified of covering any issue of substance:

I'm not commenting on the abuse debate, but just out of curiosity, did you read the book? Because all of the quotes being discussed in the media over the last few days are cherry picked from a longer autobiography (which I didn't read but Jia did). Unless everyone in the comment section read the book, it's pretty