
Democrats forgot the group for whom they were supposed to be working. They switched from actual workers to corporations.

Planet Earth is doomed with a fast growing global population and a limited amount of farmland to produce food for everyone. That means that we’re going to need to figure out how to maximize what we’ve got

Well thankfully modern consumers are smart enough that they recognize that fossil fuel companies are using the exact same tactics (and sometimes literally the same people) as tobacco companies, and consumer demand will force fossil fuel companies to take some kind of fiscal responsibility for their intentional and

The lack of knowledge about the case is what makes it so worrying. It’s easy to justify the use of a device like Stingray if it’s being used as part of a counter-terrorism operation, where the stakes are high; it’s harder in one case cited by Capital, where Stingray was used (unsuccessfully) to track down the the

“Why, yes, they’re pissing all over my right to privacy, but, damn it, it’s for my own protection!” - said no one, ever.

Hillary is anything but clean. And that applies to a helluva lot more than the email server issue.

Do you know what would be awesome? If we completely divorced health care from the employer/employee relationship. We could have some sort of, I don’t know, single payer system or something.

Given her social, political, and financial status, the chances of her “being carted off to jail” even for the most egregious of crimes is very low.

Why is it that the interior of every private plane, no matter how expensive, ends up looking like a 1985 Starcraft van conversion?

A few weeks ago, a man emailed me to “congratulate” me for “overcoming my gender” and voting for Bernie Sanders.

I doubt it would be any better if she does release them, though. There are probably moments in the speeches where she praises bankers and they would look so damning in an attack ad. She can’t win on this one. After all these years in politics, people know who she is. It’s too late to act like some sort of

Yeah, thanks. Margaret Thatcher wasn’t exactly female-friendly, was she?

I can’t fully express how awesome it is that supporters of both candidates just can’t stop proclaiming that women are only supporting the opposing candidate because their vaginas make them stupid and illogical.

Yes But sorry if this is reposted. I argue that Bernie has been fighting the establishment from the inside for years. Linked below is a great example of such.

The erasure of mothers, and in particular poorer mothers, is such an issue. It’s one of the ways the feminist movement makes it abundantly clear that the needs of upper-class white women are paramount, while everyone else needs to take a backseat.

Yeah, she’s clearly got an ax to grind, which is why I’ve stopped enabling. She’s not going to change my mind by repeatedly telling me I’m wrong, and I’m not going to be able to change the mind of a zealot.

OMFG The people you’ve been listing are all outliers! Are you fucking kidding right now?

You realize this is not a transgender issue but a violent rapist issue, correct? Females can rape other females, men can rape other men, women can rape men. Not a trans* issue.

Nothing to do with Jennicet... yeah right. Just a total coincidence that they finally decided to implement now. I hope all the A-gays that shushed her get yeast infections.