No, she said he was hot.
No, she said he was hot.
A new study from an Australian research group has concluded that in most aspects, children of same-sex partners are…
It is. Are you trans? If not you don't get to pick what is a slur or not.
An Austin, Texas undergarments store is receiving quite the backlash over an allegation that it treated a trans…
Opera Australia has fired singer Tamar Iveri for a letter to the president of her home nation of Georgia posted on…
A new report from a transgender rights organisation in Ireland documents the widespread violence, abuse, and…
The Texas Republican Party has written support for "ex-gay" conversion therapy into their party platform at the same…
The horrendous tabloid coverage of Jennifer Lopez's supposedly "cheating" boyfriend Casper Smart's communications…
Alternate headline: Jenny McCarthy Desperately Tries to Make Anybody Care About Jenny McCarthy
Oh Jenny... stick to what you know, and just sit there and be pretty.
I know this is going to make me sound like a real typical internet commenter, but so be it: I HOPE SHE GETS MEASLES.
In this video and photo montage, the Whittington family chronicles the young life of their transgender son, Ryland,…
One assailant in custody already and search is on for 2nd. Marta officials intend to press charges and prosecute to the full extent of the law. Very sad state of affairs here in Atlanta; Dr. King would be appalled at the blatant disregard for human rights.
There is science behind it. And I don't mean to be rude, but I would suggest that a better use of the internet would be to research that science rather than spout your ignorance of it. It took me mere seconds to find the link above.
The cynic in me thinks that he was just letting her talk because what she was saying was just so beyond the norm for most people. I.e. for the sake of sensationalism rather than education.
No, not surprised, exactly. But, I don't know, every story I hear like this does have an impact. My (at this point, perhaps a bit inexplicable) hope in humanity dies a little. I'm glad to see a church fucking step in, though, after all the vileness that so many conservative pastors brought in the discussions around…
Yes, I smell civil suit.
Well this is just lovely (and by that I mean shockingly common), two transgender women of color were harassed and…
I just keep thinking: will they believe us now? Is this finally the moment when men start to grasp the reality that women live in?