Who the fuck is "AK"? Is this some kind of gamergater jargon I haven't been exposed to yet, or do you actually think Sarkeesian starts with a "K"?
Who the fuck is "AK"? Is this some kind of gamergater jargon I haven't been exposed to yet, or do you actually think Sarkeesian starts with a "K"?
Spend a week in any service-industry or retail job and you will realize how drastically misinformed you are.
I don't give a shit about Lady Gaga as a person. I just saw you offhandedly call someone a whore and felt an overwhelming urge to flip you off— even if it was just a lazy, totally disconnected Simpsons reference. My problem is with your patronizing attitude, not your completely uninteresting taste in musicians.
President Superman to you!
I'm not in on the world of pop-star aesthetic enough to follow these references.
Fuck you.
Far Cry 4 has a fantastic, understated score from the composer of the Drive soundtrack (Cliff Martinez). The mix of electronica with traditional instrumentation creates a tranquil atmosphere during interludes that remind you that this game is as much about exploration as it is about riding an elephant while shooting a…
This. As Asami was sitting down next to Korra, all I could think was "This… it… it's HAPPENING!"
This is pretty awesome— a gaming innovator actually getting to enjoy the fruits of his labor. Can we think of this as a statement about gaming entering the mainstream, or is this just the natural epilogue to Notch's very successful career?
As someone who read a lot of Victorian and turn-of-the-century stories growing up, I appreciate all the inventory-taking and "pull oneself up by one's bootstraps" tropes in the Kingkiller novels. It definitely feels intentional.
Fair point, but Wildcat was Black Canary's mentor in the comics as well; there's a bit of precedent.
I'm disappointed that a ctrl-F search for "Ubik" turned up no results on this page.
Babycakes is making Youtube videos now? Awesome!
The people that thought Colbert would "side" with gamergate are the same people that don't realize the Colbert on the show is just a satirical character.
In the comics, the character's name is "Eobard" Thawne. Way more hip.
Reddick voices none other than the Titan Vanguard.
Throwaway thought: Jake being born from his father's head fully capable of singing and dancing was very Athena-like.
Every Bamford utterance of "Josh-wah" made me grin. Too god-damn delightful.
Oh my god. Please please please please let me play noooowwwwwwwww
You mean 3rd best. First is clearly her Sky Witch get-up.