
"Why, it would take a man with a bionic arm to grasp my hand any more vigorously!" *manic eyebrow-wiggling*

Someone's a Jack Kirby fan!

A lot of people on the same wavelength here. Stewart was the first celebrity I thought of when I read this. Guy is as lovable as he is brilliant.

You're one of the few who likes two of the most critically acclaimed Superman stories, penned by an author generally regarded as one of the best ever to write comics? No waaaaay!

It was part of my high school computer club's regular rotation back in the day. An awesome LAN game with enough people— good times.

The premise of this game is almost identical to that of Giants: Citizen Kabuto— except GCK mixed it up further by having two factions who not only fought the player-controlled giant, but each other.

I view this as further evidence that Mr. Plunkett is disconnected from the JRPG community. FFXII was well-liked by fans and critically acclaimed by professional reviewers.

When Mr. Ward gets excited, you start hearing a little LSP.

She more-or-less has the name. Nyssa called her "Altaїra"… Something-or-other-I-didn't-quite-catch. I don't speak Arabic, but video games have taught me that Altaїr means "bird."

I thought Cassidy killed it in her last scene this episode. More rage-drunk Laurel, please.

I'd watch this anime

As a pundit, you should be aware that the changes were originally made for the European release. I'm not aware that any official announcement has been made about the NA version— although they almost certainly will carry the changes over. Are the clothing touch-ups in the NA demo?

I honestly don't understand why there's so much angst over the name. I've seen some seriously ridiculous Japanese game/TV-show titles that use broken English, but "Bravely Default" isn't grammatically broken. The adjective— "Bravely"— is being applied to a noun— "Default." A synonymous phrase could be "Courageously

I still argue that she's Lawful Good. PB's monomaniacal and very invested in an "ends justify the means" philosophy, but ultimately her motivations are good. Her dialogue in "Goliad" really exemplifies this for me.

Isaac Aasimov published a short story in 1953 that is similar to this scenario. "Sally" is about "car farm" in a future, where cars are installed with A.I. and are put out to pasture when they get too old. They ultimately kill an evil junker who was abusing and lobotomizing old cars, creeping out their benevolent old

The diving missions are good! It took me a while to get what AC IV's developers were going for, but I've come to think quite highly of IV's underwater missions. The ones set in the game map's easier northern half aren't inspiring, but the southern ones are varied and offer some great sights. You can dive through a

Agreed. Dat Bonaparte...

That's who I thought "Shrapnel" was supposed to be, at first. I guess a Batman Beyond reference would be a little too tangential to the Green Arrow mythos.

A pig marrying a miniature green elephant with the accent of an aging Southern belle is serious business, indeed. You just don't understand this show's mature styles.