
The prices are not even correct on the items I was interested in. The Survival Grenade is $9 not $5 and the Hausbell Flashlights are $9 and not $6.

The prices are not even correct on the items I was interested in. The Survival Grenade is $9 not $5 and the Hausbell

There is an inaccuracy in the article. The V22 didn’t bring the Seals in, they likely came in using silent black hawks. The V22 was the medevac aircraft that came in after the shit already hit the fan and that is why it took such a hard landing.

I was more upset at the dialogue they cut. Where she said “I Rebel” it seemed pretty instrumental for introducing the character, and when you know it exists on film and doesn’t show up in the film it feels like you are watching a parallel universe that isn’t quite as canon. When something is in the trailer and not in