
Honestly, all that shit is probably why that place has a lower cost of living.

- Require that prosecutors and public defenders receive (roughly) the same budget.

Acne Awareness Month? Zit just got real.

Yaaaaay! Just the kind of research I want to hear. I’m 29, I’ve been single since leaving college. I like being alone, I really do. I am not opposed to getting married and having kids, but not enough to, like, try. Y’know?

He’s saying “when I move, you move... just like that” to Draymond.

When the brothers have spoken directly to reporters, they denied it. The Chicago Police claim they got a confession, but do remember this is also the Chicago PD, they of Homan Square fame.

Political correctness may be in vogue with college students who cannot fathom why people don’t take their gender studies curriculum seriously, but not with fighter pilots.

“If we presume that every culture is equal and has an equal amount to contribute to our civilization, then we’re devaluing the contributions of the people that laid the foundation for America, and that’s our Founding Fathers,”

My only regret about this cancellation is that know we won’t get daily dispatches on tour of James and his “Sisters” low-key shading and dragging Titti Facebook (or whatever the devil these god-forsaken people’s names are) at each of the stops.  :(

I’m starting to feel the time is ripe for me to take my “sitting on the sofa, eating chips, and scratching my stomach, while yelling at the TV” act on the road.

I want a pay-per-view slap fight between James Charles and Jeffree Star. Nails must be covered. The glitter will be flying.

She checked in w/ her parents when she realized she had been cut off from their money. 


I am super excited for season 2 and sad that I had to wait for it to come to Netflix to watch it. I don’t have cable. Season One was so insightful, inspiring, and just fantastic to watch. Amazing actors, music, and storylines. I can’t wait. 

I can’t stand fake ass Kim and all her Kardashian clan. But, I agree about piting two women against each other. It’s weak and ignorant. The weak will always try to knock others down to make themselves look better or stronger. They're still weak and pitiful. 

The left has a purity problem and it’s completely self-defeating. The shittiness of the GOP and their election cheating and voter suppression had a lot to do with getting us into this mess, but there’s also a lot of blame towards those who just couldn’t bring themselves to vote for someone unless they were 100%

Seriously! We haven’t even had a debate *for a primary* and all these motherfuckers keep shouting about “circular firing squads” and how we shouldn’t have negative press this close to an election.

I’m with you about letting candidates evolve.

(Standard caveat: as a decent human being, I will support whomever the Democratic Party nominates in the general election.)

I concur!