I think it’s too early for me to really know my top contender, but I’m mostly feeling #nooldwhitemen2020. We’ve had enough to last us for the next 200 years.
I think it’s too early for me to really know my top contender, but I’m mostly feeling #nooldwhitemen2020. We’ve had enough to last us for the next 200 years.
Hey there. Remember me? We got into on it Bernie post over on Splinter. I think that was you. Anyway, if not, forgive me, I still think this will be instructive.
I mean if you wanna go there with Hillary giving speeches I guess I could go there with Bernie’s fake charity, his wife bankrupting a damn college and getting a golden parachute, him not having a job prior to forty, him being a deadbeat dad, his rape essay and his being in the pocket of The NRA but hey why mention…
I agree to some extent, but let’s not pretend that “journalists” don’t write contentious reviews for clicks. Some people live to be edgy and contrarian.
i don’t equate a celebrity’s defense of themselves or negative response to being criticized as an attack on speech since as far as i know, it hasn’t gone beyond tweeting/expressing criticism in return (as opposed to actual measures being taken to stop critics or journalists from being able speak freely or do their…
Well I don’t get paid for it so it isn’t a job. I -would- take money to do it, just saying.
Ive been pretty depressed lately but at least I havent had my ass handed to me by the fuckin’ Easter Bunny.
His bobbing and weaving + homie hug = my death.
One of my hobbies is showing these people where in the bible it says they are breaking God’s law, intent, and expectations, and watching them sputter and cough as they try and justify their behavior anyways. It’s surprisingly rewarding emotionally.
In the next 10 months we’ll see if national black Democrats are as patient with him as South Bend.
For reference:
I’m withholding thoughts and prayers from every member of this family.
Articles like this happen when you have a fun/gossipy conversation while out with friends, and make the mistake of thinking that it is a worthwhile thing to publish.
I may be mistaken, but I believe these two do a decent amount of charity work. I also greatly appreciate his openness about his struggles/anxiety. This is dumb.
Lets look at how articles like this happen:
Apparently the house cost $4.5 million according to page six. He’s earning about $300,000/yr on SNL, which is way less than people buying $4.5m houses usually earn, so I don’t think he could afford to live elsewhere.
I said this in a comment that will probably say in the grays because Dirt Bag is no longer that fun and therefore is less popular, but I live with my mom because (like Pete) I have a serious, chronic mental illness. I am also employed and we share living expenses. But no one cares about me as much as my mom does, and…
Buttigieg seems like a decent guy, but I feel like the spotlight on him is just another way of telling women we have to keep waiting our turn. The racist bros might vote for a gay white man, but ladies, they just won’t vote for a woman. Our time will come someday, if we just keep being patient.
Evidence for him committing crimes is available in the public record - when you commit crimes in the open, it’s hard to hide them. There is no way that he faked committing some crimes to get an investigation that then showed nothing. And his base will believe he is innocent no matter what, simply because his base is a…