
I guffawed at "toothy Texan." That dude had some muthafuckin baleen up in there.

I know it would never happen but a Clinton/Warren ticket would make my heart sing.

I feel the need to quote Margaret Cho "If you don't like what I look like when you're fucking me....then maybe you SHOULDN'T BE FUCKING ME!"

but how do we sleep while our beds are burning?

My hand found its way to his heart and stayed there all the way through second base.

It becomes painfully clear that these guys are a mess without her.

Lazy joke writing from Seth Macfarlane? Well, I nev...always.

I'm an adult, and I'm all nuanced about the songs I listen to, but I know a lot of teenagers. I know about 10 teenage boys who LOVE Macklemore, and are now championing LGBTQ rights as a result. In fact, one teen boy I know came out to his friends after watching them change their anti-gay views as a result of that

When I first heard about the backlash against Macklemore for writing an explicitly pro-LGBT anthem my eyes rolled so hard they almost fell out of their sockets.


So does this dude just blather on about his fee-fees, or does he actually DO anything that might make him better able to serve the public? Because "expert-level knowledge of Nice Guy-ism" doesn't get you elected to anything but the Board of Losers.

As a lover of the pub quiz, fuck this guy. It's a pub quiz, not open mic at a comedy club. And, you're not funny. You're offensive. Also, fuck you.