
Who else is going to arrest, beat and kill all those young brown kids?

You know this isn’t, right?

LOL with you not understanding what a false equivalence is!

Nope. No woman deserves to be beaten by her partner. Ever. Under any circumstances. 

The number of commenters here with some version of “she got what she deserved” can also eat a bag of dicks. That literally makes you no better than this Nazi scum. 

Except that’s the very definition of victim blaming. Maybe you should go ahead and find a way to blame the fetus she was carrying as he punched her and shoved her into the stove?

No disagreement here. She does look like an asshole. It’s a shame. I really liked her at first but she’s been making some really bad choices lately. 

I suppose they figured she’d be able to afford any lawsuit that followed. 

Fair enough

I mean, she has the information that Bella has 19 cats and refuses to get them spayed and neutered so.....

What about hiring a private investigator to look into it for you?

October 18 is a Thursday.

Damn.  Drake can GET IT. 

If I had that kind of money I would be looking FLAWLESS. But maybe no amount of money can hide that amount of ugly. 

All that money and she can’t even afford a decent spray tan

You don’t get half time in federal prison like you do in state. He won’t serve the full six, but it’ll be close.

ONLY six? What do you propose he should be sentenced to? Rich people got conned out of money, it’s not like anyone died. 

I stand corrected! 

Isn’t it a Charlotte’s Web reference?

10/10 would watch