
9/11 was a controlled demolition. You still believe in CGI planes and fairy tales about cave dwellers?

The real O"Neals the anti-Hecks.

The Goldbergs are in a rut. A circular logic sitcom where 80's something makes the plots redundant

Lied about the scissors

The truth behind Michael Jordan is he cut a deal with the NBA. He retired and played baseball rather than get suspended a couple years for gambling.

kissed another guy not

Actually it is you who is the vile douchebag.

Did he do the interview in that annoying schtick voice

Get rid of Amy


another Blossom fanboy who can't admit she drags the show down

another one emotionally tied to fictional characters.

James Spader was the only good post-Michael Scott thing.

TBBT is now late season Smallville or The Office

Amy is a horrible character. flipping one-liners one moment then supposed to be fragile the next

The Penny-Leonard living arrangements are ridiculous for an engaged couple.

The gushing over harpies Amy and Bernadette only show the bad the show has gotten/ Leonard is a whining sissy. Penny is just an average looking woman now

Who knew Art Carlson aka "Big Guy" was a pedophile?

The fired from a job, but afraid to tell the parents plot is a ripoff of Peter Brady and the bike shop.

Wil Wheaton is good. If only to reduce air time of the show ruining women.