
I know it's hard for some people to believe, but people actually listened to 70's and 60's songs in the 80's too.

Mitch Hedberg: Pringles' Intention
I think Pringles' initial intention was to make tennis balls, but on the day that the rubber was supposed to show up, a big truckload of potatoes arrived. And Pringles is a laid-back company — they said, 'F**k it. Cut 'em up.'

It's a nod to Mitch Hedberg joke's that Pringles originally was going to make tennis balls, but they were shipped potatoes instead of rubber.

Wrigley Field has the troughs. Vet didn't.

How did they cook the food without power?

The answer to your last question is it's a Chuck Lorre Show

ripping off Community ripping off Breaking Bad. Worse than I thought

ripping off Breaking Bad plots means the show is officially run out of ideas.

I have no idea. Is Stratfor involved?

It's the same guy

Hicks was and is a vocal imitator. He imitated Carln and Kinnison. Now he imitates Limbaugh, He is portraying a character to lead controlled opposition.

now that is a conspiracy.

Jones IS Hicks. this is true. AV Club even tells you so in the beginning. What's strange is this old news is suddenly on sites like AV Club, Why/

He wasn't funny. Since he became Alex Jones there has a been of lot of distortion of history, (they do it so well) to make Hicks into the revered comic genius he wasn't

INFOWARs a Time/Warner CNN owned shill fest

What's next AV club talking about Sandy Hoax and the Boston fake bombing?

Jones is Bill Hicks' age.

Don't cast Pearls before Sheeple

Hicks is Jones. he is a shill and liar like you

Alex Jones is Bill Hicks. The question is why all of a sudden they are trying to discredit the truth in the controlled mainstream media?