Bartolo's Cologne

Ain’t not party like a Buffalo party, cuz the Buffalo party don’t stop.

Every conference needs a Vanderbilt.

I think the bigger story here is this photo proves the existence of invisible people. Here’s one punching the face of the man in the middle background.

But...but... CIVIC PRIDE!

NFL players aren’t known for self-reporting violations.

He’s been reading and watching wayyyyyy too many Trump surrogates.


It’s also in the Urban Dictionary!

The answer is Yes. Because fat floats.

At a Twins game, definitely.

They used it for one play, calling it Red Down.

Thank you for proving Julius’ justification for his post. You’re already helping!

Didn’t they have one that shamelessly promoted the move Blues Brothers 2000, which included John Goodman, Jim Belushi and That Kid?

Actually, I sell a line of celebrity Cincinnati bow ties.

But they both have accent marks above the letters in their names, so I will remain suspicious.

Trails of beers lead to trails of tears.

You’d think they’d have reservations about this.

Also strongly considered by both the Cowboys and Patriots.

What did his dad say?
“I thought he was gonna be mad, but he said he was proud of me.”