Getting a lotta mileage outta that Psych 101 textbook. Good for you.
Getting a lotta mileage outta that Psych 101 textbook. Good for you.
Yeah, but they didn’t have to do Bob like that. I haz a sad.
The moment at the party when Nathan joins is magic: you see this man, perpetually looking for human connection, finding it with a group of strangers at a wedding he was only partially invited to. Those glimpses of joy are what makes Nathan for You such a uniquely brilliant show.
They’re not too bad for one of those Jesus bands.
I always feel SO HAPPY and want to do a little jig when I hear the “4 and 3 and 2 and 1, 1", and then so sad when the end credits pop up.
Well, at least it’s not the one I use.
I don’t think we can disregard how stupid the electorate can be. My favorite explanation from a Trump voter went along the lines of “I was ready to vote for Elizabeth Warren, but she didn’t run, so I voted Trump.” He listed his reasoning, which basically amounted to a broccoli fart.
If you are someone who claimed to be a Bernie supporter and you did not go on to vote for Hillary Clinton in the general election, you were never really a Bernie supporter.
Prince’s batdance thing sure.
Does his phone’s keyboard not have a period function?
Shhhiitttt, I could have told you that.
More importantly, why the fuck did she vote for him?
One day, people will realize how wack Taylor Swift is. On that day, these people will say, “what the hell was wrong with me?”
There’s no way the economy will still be growing after 4 years of trump.
The economy is projected to fall sometime soon, that and we’ve plenty of one terms president in the past, the last one hasn’t been since 1988 though, and I sure Trump is the latest one termer.
Ok, folks... time for a little reality check.