Shaheen Merhej

Beven trying to figure out how to import one during lockdown for MONTHS. No luck. A couple in Canada but mostly 97s or later; a 95 popped up a few months back but it was 90s Rad Teal, and I’d prefer green or red.

Can't put your finger on what you'd change? How about that ridiculous grille.

I’ll refer you here:

That singer guy sucked ASS. Hate to admit judging a book by the cover but I hated him 5 seconds into that interview.

Cam sensors and cooling plumbing along the firewall? Yep, that’s sufficiently pain-in-the-ass-enough to be Italian.

Sounds like you’ve been using your “small, metal cylinder” wrong. Maybe try putting it in the freezer, keeps the goods from sticking to the inside.

Oh yeah, point taken - just saying that he’s definitely not shy about speaking his mind, regardless of what kind of nuclear hot take he’s got brewing up there. Not trying to equate the two situations either, just pointing out that he’s definitely willing to disregard public image in order to share his thoughts.

I get the magazine. The most recent issue’s letter from the editor was basically “what’s the deal with sports cars having to meet safety criteria? If you’ll let me kill myself on a bike, why not in a brand new car? Leave safety for the normies."

I’ve been an avid reader for nearly 10 years now; I come here several (dozen) times a day, and I click in to most articles. I lived through the kinja comment debacle, but sweet lord, the new ad tech you guys signed up for is absolutely infuriating.

What the fuck.

All these sniffers and not one of these morons let the ol' boss know their cars smell like fucking crayons?

Rest assured, good people of the internet - if it happens, it will be comparatively lame.

Every single article with this guy. I honestly only read on the weekends to look for the errors these days.

The car was But looks aside, this was a car built for speed and speed only.

Never noticed that - now I might not unsee it. And I liked the original,too. Ugh, thanks DAVE.

Drive by the dealer every day, where they sit in the front row, never to be sold. At first when I see it, I get scared that it might roast it’s tires, jump the curb, and eat me. Then I realize that it’s just a BMW, and it probably will never move from that spot until someone realizes you can’t sell German engineering

Probably because it looks like a fucking Mustang.

How none of you schmucks said Abarth is beyond me.

It’s probably his sunday cruiser.