
In my scheme of things I take care of my own inventory, I don't do that for others. No asshole would hold onto an apology for 11 years, simple as that.

It's not bs, she's into edm, been into edm forever, she owes her career to it. She knows that aesthetic as well as anyone. Lot's of people get high and listen to edm music, nothing sad about her playing to that aesthetic.

Yeah, she did that too.

Madonna was not into drugs, I'm sure she tried most everything, but she has consistently said she doesn't partake because hangovers are so unproductive, which is great logic. However she does like to do music that plays to the aesthetic of being high, on weed or molly. It enhances music, Ray of Light, is wonderful

Madonna mixed being young, strong willed, with a strong work ethic and tons of determination. People saw this in her, early on, she seemed to be determining the trajectory of the massively successful career, she made it happen on her terms. It was big deal for anyone, especially a woman. The people she didn't

You must not know any teenagers, to them everyone is the n word.

I took Molly on Saturdays for 2 years straight in my 40's and I turned out more than alright, I loved it, wouldn't want to do it now, but it was great for awhile. Everything in moderation dude.

What are the "damnable" offenses? Actually she's a pretty focused and productive individual, amassing a nearly billion dollar fortune by managing 3 decades of superstardom.

But you're projecting your values on to someone else. How is it wrong for another human, even an old, about going to a dance club for fun? If they have a good heart, and don't hurt other humans, why should you get to decide its "desperate and pathetic."

Funny how her detractors really avoid paying attention to the "evidence" they think they have of her horrible persona. Her lyrics are most often very affirming, very uplifting, and very ignored.

The lyrics to a majority of her songs paint a different picture than you do. Read the lyrics of the entire Ray of Light CD, and you will find some very profound affirming ideas wrapped in very excellent music.

Plenty of songs about living it up with booze, that shit kills more people than MDNA. By the way, the Devil Pray song on Rebel Heard is actually very anti-drug, maybe you should know more before opining so vociferously.

Give it to Me with Pharell, great underrated or criticized song. I love it, very soulful Madonna voice.

She may do that, I don't think she wants to do what Cher did and have tour after tour after the last tour, it was stupid. When Madonna says it's the last tour, it will be the last tour.

That fact is conveniently ignored by Madonna haters, they're so dishonest.

Would it be wrong for a 60 year old to take Molly? BTW, the molly reference was from her last album, lol. Also btw, does 56 make you 60? LOL.

You do know that Devil Pray is an anti-drug song, right?

Even if you don't think that Ray of Light was a phenomenal work of art, you know that ROL was a massive moment of Madonna as a cultural icon. Eventually, it was used as background music for Microsoft and ATT commercials. I cannot think of any areas of life (computers and phones) that people consider more important

Absolutely, the lucky ones survived and lived to tell. Madonna has done a great service by enhancing our memories of the not so lucky ones.