
Can't the state just take it because it's abandoned?

I have to agree. I'm SO glad to see a large woman of color in an important role on TV, but she's just not that good. First, I think she'd be a lot more deferential (and not as chatty) to Gloria…after all, this is the 1950s and Gloria was her mom's employer. It was ham-handed exposition delivered just as terribly as it

Maybe…but I got more that it was the usual "cousins marry cousins" deal. Though she does say that his father had the same "affliction"…so you have to wonder how many bodies are buried under how many flowerbeds/gazebos/etc.

Just want to say, love your avatar!

Yes! As she stated, she'd *never* been to a doctor. And earlier, Kathy Bates' character got all teary because that doctor was the first one who ever treated her like a human being. Pathos, indeed.

Please keep your opinions about her body to yourself. She's an actor, and criticizing her acting ability is expected. But she's also a human being, and criticizing her body is just being an asshole.

I can see your point, but feel like I need to defend some characterizations.
1st, Jimmy is a good, decent guy. The fact that innocent Meep (who we, the audience, don't care about) was brutally killed because of something Jimmy did is bound to grate on his conscience. I would have a much lower opinion of Jimmy's

I would say yes, insofar as all extremely affluent people are uncaring assholes to the point of sociopathy. It's more important to her (them) to maintain appearances. Other human life has no value.

Yes, but *before* that, she says, "Listen, cupcake…"
Watch that scene again…it has an almost magical symmetry with the rest of the episode…

I took it as he was feeling bad for himself, as in he might not be that great of a killer, if he can't actually get his victim to die.

Actually she said he "couldn't go around taking vagrants and killing them. People are missed." So he picked out the kind of people who aren't "missed": gay prostitutes.

The Teutonic Titwillow. You just gave me my smile for the day.

Have to disagree with y'all who say Dandy wouldn't have known about the gay club. Listen to Andy's conversation with Dell. Andy describes the typical johns there as bankers, lawyers, "Chamber of Commerce" types. Considering Dandy's social class, I'm sure he would at least have *heard* about such a place that

He also picked up adult men (not all of which were prostitutes - he was actually quite the "item" in gay clubs).

I agree. Since, apparently, creepy murderous clowns are numerous in Jupiter.

The surviving kids plot-hole: yes, I've been going crazy about that, too.
But the detail about the cops, I thought that was about some "indescretion" earlier in Dandy's life, but I'll need to rewatch that episode…

BeI honestly think this was a reference to Jeffrey Dahmer. He stalked gay bars for prostitutes and just pick-ups for a long time. The gay community knew there was a serial killer in their midst long before the police did, and had flyers printed up and posted in gay clubs. I don't think they had a picture of a suspect,

I vote for the fact that at the beginning, Maggie lists ways to kill the freaks: poison, suffocation, drowning. Then Stanley tries to/fantasizes about poisoning first one twin, then suffocates the other.
In that beginning scene, Maggie calls Stanley a "cupcake." Wink, wink.