
This is academia, “A place where deep and lasting collegial bonds are formed, where mentors and protégés can become close friends and where young lives are transformed by a galvanic encounter with knowledge and their own latent capabilities,” as Laura Miller wrote in a 2015 essay for the New Republic

When I was in grad school, a professor came back to campus after having spent a year or two elsewhere on some visiting professiorship at some other school. He was probably 50 or so, and was very much what you’d imagine a stereotypical 50-ish liberal arts professor would be, just kind of unkempt, messy, pudgy, just

Just one of the many reasons I can’t stand any novel about a professor fucking one of their students. And since most publishers are english majors/professors that’s like fucking half of them.

He’s really not. Compounded by the fact that ‘abandoned his first family’ makes any dude seem about as appealing as Steve Bannon.

Announces birth most people weren’t even thinking about...asks for people to “respect their privacy.” Sigh...

My guess is that his PR lead is a white man of a certain age who also doesn’t think Clinton did anything wrong.

I think Bill Clinton belongs in the same bucket as Antonin Scalia. Smart, knowledgeable, accomplished, a perfectly nice guy and good friend on the one-to-one human level, but with an enormously huge, absolutely GLARING flaw that completely overshadows and taints whatever other good qualities he possesses. For Scalia,

Clinton didn’t ever apologize to Lewinsky directly, but that’s beside the point.

as a PR professional, I am FLABBERGASTED that he is a on book tour right now. Like, beyond surprised. AND beyond surprised he didn’t have a very, very, very much better answer to this line of questioning. It’s literally the only thing I would have prepped for him, and it would have been “I was wrong to abuse my

Every single damn time they said “Plum” I thought they were saying “Plump”

Also, why are the people in the body positive movement all skinny-ish? Not trying to shame skinny people, but like.. it’s noticable. If that’s not how it is in the actual show, cool, but it’s jarring in the trailer

I haven’t watched it yet, but the description of the catcalling scene in this article sounded really normal? I’m a size 18/20 and I get mooed/oinked at...probably every other month or so? Not infrequently, people will yell that I’m killing myself by being fat and that they’ll be glad when I’m dead

These people will comment on the artistic choices of a series that follows meth dealers or animated robots, but if it’s a show about a fat woman who is sick of people being mean to her suddenly they are the Morality and Reality Police.

Frankly, body positivity has been co-opted in a very real and harmful way and it is roping in former “bopo activists”. The point where before/afters on insta of weight loss are being hailed as “body positive”. So the concept is becoming meaningless, but not necessarily in the way of “everyone is SO enlightened now”.

You and me both, sister. And Walker is our age, which makes a lot of sense for the “feel” of this book.

As a woman who’s been plus-sized for the last 20 years or so, that catcalling moment seemed pretty spot on to me. I lived in Brooklyn for 13 years, and lost track of my catcalling/fatshaming moments on the street. Most vivid: I had a car of teens make mooing sounds at me as I jogged past them. I was actually feeling

I would like to point out that for a lot of women, body acceptance and body positivity are *still* new concepts. I’m an older millenial and during my teen years and 20s (my formative years), the tiny waist, mid-drift baring styles were all the rage (think Britney Spears/Christina Aguilera). Teen Vogue and Cosmo were

I think its problems stem from the problems of the book. I can see how Dietland tried to weave the tiny little traumas that come with womanhood with the larger problems in society, but in the end the different threads make the book feel fragmented rather than integrated.

Honestly, this post is more out of touch than anything else I’ve seen one the show. Have you guys seen the discussions about Dietland on other forums? I went to the AV club to discuss this and couldn’t because the AV Club’s comments sections is clogged with comments about how fat acceptance is like alcoholism

Who knew that such a beautiful love story with Scott Disick would end this way? I am totally, totally shocked.

I’ve been having some very unkind thoughts about my husband and while I feel really bad about it I also feel relief to finally acknowledge them. Therapy would be good but I’m pretty sure the outcome would be a divorce and that’s not in anyone’s best interest right now. So I’m posting it here because I have to say it