Scruffy the Janitor

Some good stuff in this ep, especially bringing it back to Ted’s anxiety and Rebecca being the only one to recognise. But I have to admit, I’m finding it a bit schtick-y; scenes like the barflies watching Bake Off and singing a football chant about it, or Rebecca and Rebecca’s Mum shouting to the football field are

This is absolutely devastating news. Sean Lock was one of the first comedians I really loved and I found his style so inspiring. He could be surreal, he could be silly, he could be grumpy, he could be crude, he could be mean, yet he always did it with just enough cheek and a wink that you were always on his side. 

For me, it’s the letter about the former codebreaker who was placed into care home and left a cryptic note for their son:

I’ve won two nationwide Alan Partridge quizzes (and won £100 in the process - cashback!), so I think I’m at the very least a Partridge megafan. I’m Alan Partridge remains the gold standard in terms of iconic quotes and scenes that people still quote to this day, but I agree that the more nuanced Partridge of the

You’ve hit the nail on the head. A very good album but one that feels a bit too laidback and slow to truly stand out for me. Compared to something like Bury Your Friends, which really hit me like a blast the first time I heard it, or Bad Guy, which is a certified banger, there’s nothing here that felt particularly

The fact that so many commenters think that Zack didn’t get the Scarface reference, as opposed to recognising that it’s the most parodied, old hat gag in the world, doesn’t really help with the cliche about high IQ Rick and Morty fans.

Pretty much agree with all of this. I found the first half a bit much (the Trent Crimm joke in particular felt like it was patting itself and the fans on the back in a really easy way), but around the time Roy fucking Kent comes back, it found its footing.

In the spirit of the discussion about Peter Cushing, can we all appreciate one of the greatest Onion headlines of all time:

God, I haven’t seen that advert in years. What an abomination.

Holy shit, the bear. That alone sold me on this.

This isn’t bullying, this is physical and sexual abuse. I don’t know why every headline says he was a bully. He was a monster.

Wait, so who is playing the Ray Winstone role?

I saw Clueless for the first time maybe a year or two before seeing Legally Blonde? I certainly have no childhood affection for it or anything like that.

I have to admit - and maybe it’s because I watched it for the first time only last year - I don’t really get the love for this film. Or, to put it more accurately, I can understand why there’s an audience for this film, but it didn’t really do anything for me. I find it so precisely follows the Hollywood comedy

To an extent? Certainly in the second and third movie, when they had more of a budget, I feel like a stunt has to have something memorable or an interesting hook to take place, as opposed to just firing dog shit at your own face.

Some people are defending it by saying, “Well all writers use real life stories to inspire them” but come on, this is such a different situation. She used very real, noticeable details about a real person’s life whilst also changing their relationship dynamic into something grotesque and horrible. I think it’s pretty

Mixed feelings on Gangs of London. It starts really well and there’s some stunning action in there, but it really falls off a cliff after the amazing episode 5, and the season finale left me with absolutely no interest in watching a second season.

I cannot wait for more Succession. I think it’s the funniest, nastiest show on television, and I live for seeing these monstrous people rip the shit out of each other.

I only watched Season 1 for the first time a few weeks ago, so I feel years behind the Tim Robinson hype, but that featured a few sketches that absolutely slayed me, so I’m getting on this straight away.

Only if you’re a particularly big Bradley Cooper fan IMO. He’s excellent in it, but the film itself is at best not very interesting.