Scruffy the Janitor

I very much enjoyed watching the guy trying to jump out of the monorail and getting pinged away into the distance. I would totally watch this film.

Mostly a really solid list, with quite a few picks I’d put in my top 20, but I can’t abide the lack of Yves Tumor. Heaven for a Tortured Mind was my solid number one all throughout the year, and one of the most exciting albums I’ve heard in a long time.

I just rechecked the scene and it lasts nearly twelve minutes.

Possibly controversial, but I really don’t understand the love for the Silly Games sequence in Lovers Rock. I know I’m in the minority, but it struck me as needlessly indulgent, going on far too long and growing actively annoying by the ten minute mark. It didn’t help that the main couple felt underdeveloped, and I

Is there a more expensive film in history that also looks this ugly?

I had this experience with Dawn of the Dead. I watched it on my ad’s grainy VHS as a teenager and it was practically a religious experience. Watching it again on an upgraded version just felt so much less scary and intense.

Initially, I was thinking, “How could this show not be amazing with a dream list of virtually every great horror director at the helm?”

But then you remember this came out in 2005, and nearly every major director involved hadn’t released a good film in decades. Argento’s previous film? The Card Player. Hooper’s

Dreams of a Life really is just unbelievably sad. The idea that someone could lay dead in their tiny bedsit flat for two years, unnoticed and forgotten by society, is just heartbreaking. Especially when you watch the documentary and see the life she once had and how despairing her situation became.

Peaky Blinders is never getting cancelled though. It only has two (I think) more series left, and it’s literally one of the biggest hits the BBC has ever had, especially in the UK.

If you want a vision of the perfect future, imagine a boot stamping on Dinesh D’Souza’s face - forever.

Couldn’t agree more. Like yeah, nobody’s expecting the sequel to The Babysitter to be the next Get Out, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be decently entertaining rather than feeling like nobody really gave a shit as they made it.

I was actually going to rewatch Amour around the time everyone was collating their Best of the Decade lists, but then my Grandma died of dementia and I just decided it was too raw a subject. Maybe one day I’ll revisit it, but not for a while.

I much preferred the film to the book. Even though the film is overlong and did start to test my patience once it got to the high school, I think it makes what are mildly weird/creepy details from the book something far more unsettling and almost unbearably uncomfortable. I can’t think of the last film that felt so

It says a lot for how much I love Uncut Gems that I consider Good Time, a film I really like, to be a bit of a sketch version of the artwork that Uncut Gems was. Between those two films, I’m excited for whatever the Safdies make next.

The screenwriter initially went viral from writing parody blockbusters like Fast Nein: The Fast and the Furher (Hitler + Cars), The Lord of the Fyre (Lord of the Flies at Fyre Fest) and 21 Trump Street. Make of that what you will.

1917... the Sam Mendes film?

Can’t disagree with any of the picks (that I’ve listened to anyway). I would have found room for Damien Jurado’s ‘What’s New Tomboy?’ (my favourite of his to date), HAIM’s ‘Women In Music Pt. 3' (the first album of theirs that I’ve enjoyed from start to finish), and Hinds’ ‘The Prettiest Curse’ (maybe the most fun I

Having been working from home, I’ve been listening to a lot of great new music this year. Some picks that would make my Best Songs of the Year list:

It’s interesting that he didn’t list Peeping Tom, which he’s said is one of his favourite films. I wonder if that’s because he considers it a straight thriller, even though I’d argue that it’s more disturbing than Psycho.

This has slowly worked its way up my estimations until I can finally say it is my favourite film of all time. It’s just perfect. Everything from the screenplay to Wilder’s direction to the incredible performances to the messy emotions at play in every scene. It has the warmth of the best rom-coms yet the darkness and