
You guys in the “media” are buying into exactly what they want. Theyre doing intentional ban to build hype, get more subs, and more publicity. Yes, DMCA and copyright is a mess, especially on streaming platforms, but larger streamers are definitely doing this on purpose for some time off.

I hope they don’t only listen to the pros. Too many FPS’ see radical and detrimental changes because they only listen to the pros. Ruins it for those who usually play casually or those that try to grind ranked.

I like Ubisofts approach with Rainbow Six Siege where they tell you which group is targeted with specific

Its a video game yes, I agree to an extent, but when you pay $60 with little to no recourse for a refund in most cases for a broken or not working product, the anger is justified. However, the level to which gamers (which in my opinion have become worse than sports fans) go to is unfounded too.

This is what happens when people buy games immediately. Theres no incentive for it to be fixed ASAP when the money has already been made. People want a mostly fixed game, than don’t buy it day one or early on 🤷‍♂️ Every single Battlefield in recent memory has launched in a pretty bad state.

This is going more in line with how I had always pictured the manga, but it isn’t all the way there yet. Somehow it still looks...boring?

You could say this about so many video games though. That is why you vote with your wallet or stop playing most games that are remotely realistic as a whole.

RE7 with the Vive was the only other time I busted my ass playing games in VR. 

Didn’t the devs say that they were toning down the silliness and craziness quite a bit compared to previous Saint’s Row?

Halo has no anti cheat and a few of the top players in Onyx are blatant cheaters and give two shits about it. He’s not entirely off base when saying statistically impossible. Especially with FFA being a lot smaller in terms of player size than most other game modes.

They do scale in skill level. Not sure what determines that. I’ve seen bots outfrag everyone in the game by a considerable margin with no deaths. 

To think I used to get bullied for wearing one because it was the watch for nerds

“Won’t somebody please think of the children?”

Then theres the sidious lego and iirc palpatine saying noone is ever really gone in the trailers

I’m seeing a lot of people complain about prices, but realistically, a large percentages of them are going to end up paying close to 70 on release. 

Regardless, this is the nature of business. We shouldn’t be supporting a studio if a bad product is put out or if we disagree with something that the publisher is doing. 

Why preorder it though? I see no reason to preorder games, let alone PC games anymore

Where were you buying NES/SNES games for a consistent $50-60? 👀

Don’t feed the BS that gaming publishers give you. Theres enough evidence overall to support the contrary

Rising development cost mostly has to do with a lot of mismanagement, something that is not spoken about enough in game development because it has become the norm, but is a common problem across the tech world. 

Honestly has nothing to do with too cheap or too poor to afford it. Some people do have that problem sure, but a lot of these companies are raking in 10's of millions in profit plus whatever other bs they charge for. No one should ever be taking the corporate side ever

I’ll wait until launch day when the first batch of major price drops could be found. Thankfully we have the option to shop around a bit immediately