
I don’ t think many people realize this yet or how ubiquitous or profitable subscription services have become in every other industry.

Wont work in dense areas where people request a bunch of ubers to the same spot simultaneously.

I will be utterly disappointed if this movie ends up being canon. It’ll up end the SSJ God movie that was rumored last year; along with the midichlo...I mean S-Cells; and it’ll undo all the build up about Kale being the Legendary SSJ in DBS

I’m 27 and I feel this way currently. I hate how social participation is being tied to everything. I just want to do my job well, contribute, then go home or go about my personal life.

There’s a few reasons why streaming and cloud gaming will become a big thing soon.
- Gaming as a service

Why is USB-C PD is not mentioned as that is becoming a major component of USB powered device. Many cables are not built to spec and as a result end up damaging your products

Nintendo is having their e3 sale on the eshop with some fairly decent deals on digital games

Nintendo is having their e3 sale on the eshop with some fairly decent deals on digital games

Shit . . . $50 for a season pass. Are you getting almost a full games worth of content?

Living in a major metropolis makes reports like this even more unsettling.

Only buttons missing is ZL and the two thumbstick buttons. Unplayable for some games sure, but that doesnt mean it doesnt work for games that support the controller configuation that it appears as on the Switch.

Meant to write “shouldve added bluetooth…”

Should’ve added, ideally without dongles and mic support

Don’t see why it wouldn’t.

Did they say they were releasing new ones? I thought they only announced that the adapter and controllers were being supported, despite support being added in months ago.

I took advantage and bought two when the Wii U version released.

It wasn’t officially put into the patch notes.

I don’t know if its for nothing, but the v4.0 of the Switch’s OS added support for GC controllers

Now if we could get this done on a universal scale on the switch, maybe we could start working towards stereo bluetooth headset support.

Doesn’t any game that supports pro controller support currently support the Gamecube controllers anyway? Support for the adapter was added in with v4.0

Is anyone honestly surprised? Microsoft hasnt exactly been putting in effort on the first or second party front. Theyre more focused on making the Xbox a general purpose machine and a test bed for their UWP than focusing on games

It’s bad enough that the complete games aren’t on most discs anymore or require a day one patch just to play, but the constant stream of giant patches is annoying as hell. It’s like they want to bandage everything together after they made their initial sales.

I feel like this is going to cause issues for collectors in

I wish the gaming industry were more transparent about their costs though. It seems like a lot of funds are heavily mismanaged at a lot of companies. This is the only industry where this happens almost regularly.