

Who would’ve thought that Nintendo would make Lunar IPS a game.

This wouldn’t be such an issue of companies would give us back dedicated servers.

Just cant get it through peoples heads. When i worked at game stop we never ran out of copies during launch. We were always shipped a good 50-100 extra copies for big triple A games. Than again, I live in a large metropolitan city. If gamestop didnt have it, the store down the block did. Also, games become

Your situation is somewhat unique, but my statement is mostly towards those that pre-order.

I wonder how many of these upset fans will go and spend $60 on all of it. My bet? Most of them.

You know whos fault it is? The consumer. If people weren’t willing to throw so much money at these devs before seeing a full game, than these issues would not happen. None of this will change until the sales slow down, which I feel will never happen.

This is why I dont pre order anymore. Games need to stop coming out broken and half assed on PC.

First adopters always pay the price.

Would’ve been a buy for me if they added MM9 and 10. too bad . .

Cant believe that there are companies already taking preorders on this game.

Mike i didnt know Kazuya was a grandmother lol

If it can also use the 360 controllers wirelessly, ill buy a few lol

I cant wait to see what happens from here. It seems like Valve opened pandoras box

These companies are really trying to avoid taking chances huh?

That was some bad ass team work. Also i think every game should have a movie mode like GTAs movie mode. People make some pretty amazing shit given the right tools.

That sucks. Thanks Shep!

That sucks. Thanks Shep!

Shep, do El Gato or Aver Media capture cards go on sale often?

Shep, do El Gato or Aver Media capture cards go on sale often?

It’s interesting to see how things turn out when all pokemon are let into the fray to do battle. I never liked the idea of only battling pokemon from a specific tier for the sake of “balance”.

Downloading your history is new, but you’ve been able to delete and turn off your history for years. Dont know why this is coming as a surprise to anyone.