
The only thing i ask of steam is to allow me to resize the damned interface. All the text appear too small on my monitor. I wonder how the people with 4k monitors are dealing with it

They could bleed money for a while and be ok.I'm pretty sure they have a lot of liquidable assets that most other companies do not have. They're the only gaming company not tied to other industries, like Sony whos been bleeding money for what seems like 10 years now. Their only profitable divisions left are

Ill let you troll, but Nintendo didnt steal anything from the money hemorrahging Sony. According to the UK courts, Phillips is the copyright holder on motion controls and Nintendo lost said case.

DLC for evolve was announced as a preorder bonus on jan 14th 2014 in a press package sent to VG247, the first gameplay video was shown some time during the first two weeks of Feb. Its a pretty ballsy move and prove the point I made above. Why did a company offer a DLC incentive for a game they didn't even show

I meant it as a will it be included in game. and dlc isnt what we used to get in expansions. No where near it. Expansions were full fledged additions to games, new areas, story,costumes etc. The majority of dlc is no where near that level of content or quality as expansions for the price. The few I could think of are

That is true. I too like the ability to turn items on and off. My friends and I play interesting matches using select items on certain stages (Sucks that the red shell is no longer an item). In regards to Street fighter 2 , I think that it wasn't the fact that they couldn't play pros, or the lack of an online

I used to do something like that when I used OSX by using Carbon Copy Cloner (I think that was the name), it allowed me to have a clone of my disc image on an external for use on any OSX machine (since it was able to boot off of USB, and a lot of people I knew had OSX). Ill have to look into it again. If its worth it

I wish that the gaming industry wasn't entirely about the money. I would like the medium to be pushed forward and for more publishers to take risks on new game types and stories.

I agree. Smash is primarily a party game, which for some reason a lot of people ten to forget. It was meant as a game where everyone can pick it up, play, and have a decent chance of winning regardless of skill level because of items. Party games need that element of chance. People who take smash too seriously are

Do you think think expansion packs will ever return and that things that are now considered DLC (costumes, weapons, game modes) will make it back onto the disc as bonus items, hidden features, etc?

Recurring guest stars . . . lol. Its hard work trying to voice so many different characters by yourself. I guess its become second nature to them after doing it for so long.

Nintendo needs to make a super smash kart with a proper battle mode.

Yes it came out lol and fable lost chapters was on steam for a while. Seeing Microsoft making attempts to fix a lot of things is keeping me somewhat hopeful

That sounds like a lot of work. If it gets to that point ill probably buy a license lol

I'm going to do the clean install. I've actually been waiting for a release date from MS so I could do it and isnt GFWL still up and running?

I have a lot of questions after this update. Does free windows 10 mean that after a year if I have to do a clean boot, I have to purchase a windows 10 license? Does cross console play and xb1 streaming mean that GFWL will stay alive? Am I going to be forced to use a Microsoft account if I want to use "modern" apps?

I have to give microsoft credit. I thought the Minecraft acquisition was going to be fruitless, but if this works, this may be one of the most awesome things ever.

Does this mean that MS is bringing back fable to the PC after flip flopping with their other exclusives. Does this mean we'll get more PC titles. Does this mean the return of GFWL :(

Something I forgot to add to my other comment. Does this mean we'll be able to use KB/M for these streamed games ~_0

This both makes me happy and upset. Happy because its cool and useful for me at least.Makes me upset because this is an excuse to not bring franchises back to the PC, like, halo, so that they wont hamper their Xbox one sales.