
As someone who attended the second Thursday show and saw this mess firsthand, it really really sucked. It sucks that he did this in Detroit of all places where disposable income isn't exactly easy to come by. I paid a ton of money and had friends travel over 4 hours to watch with me. His opener Mo Amer killed it and

The Daily Show stole the most recent episode's 'procrasturbation' joke. True story.

How the fuck is Tali still in the competition? His food is terrible and he's a regular in the bottom three. We know he isn't going to win this thing so just eliminate that idiot already!

How the fuck is Tali still in the competition? His food is terrible and he's a regular in the bottom three. We know he isn't going to win this thing so just eliminate that idiot already!

Wait is it Monte, Monti or Marti?

Wait is it Monte, Monti or Marti?

Yeah charging the beam after going through that grueling defend sequence was epic. It really felt like the stakes were high as the last remains of your forces were just desperately trying to get to the Citadel.

Wow I didn't know that could happen. For a guy we didn't meet until this game Kai Leng quickly became an enemy I was desperate to kill.

Enough complaining about the ending, what was everybody's favorite moment(s)?
I personally enjoyed putting a bullet through the mouth of that Deus Ex reject Kai Leng and seeing Grunt go on a suicide run only to survive.

I feel like Lost is a good analogy except that you could see in the last season that it wasn't going anywhere. This game had me convinced it had a plan until the very end when it decided to go out on a wet fart instead of a bang.

1. No.
2. Yea sort of. Those were still good experiences but it makes a lot of decisions feel irrelevant in retrospect. 
3. Mad.

Ashur from Spartacus. I want someone to smash his face in gratuitous slow-mo but his scheming is always interesting.

It will never happen but a Canucks vs. Blackhawks 24/7 would be absolutely phenomenal. I don't think two teams could possibly hate each other more. It doesn't even have to be an outdoor game just let me see them play 2-3 games over 4 weeks and watch the behind the scenes results.

Agreed. Complex opinions are better represented by words than numbers.

You're right it isn't fair to put that on everyone. In my experiences the major sites and their editors are the worst offenders. These people actually cheer at E3 press conferences, proclaim their love for all things Xbox/PlayStation/Nintendo and then expect me to believe they've divorced their feelings about the

Games criticism is broken. As John mentions the problem comes from the system of publisher control which I believe is an extension of an enthusiast press that enables it. It also arises from the nature of games as both products and traditional objects of criticism.
Unlike other media critics, game reviewers are

This show is so incredibly lazy it makes… something… look like… something. (This is the part where the joke goes). Can I have a job now Seth?