
Honestly, it’s an injustice that people like Ari Fleischer are able to show their faces in public.

It’s journalistic quicksand for a moderator at a debate to step in and try to right every wrong or correct every comment.

“Case closed?”

Tom, maybe you didn’t watch the video, but the Ravens were offsides. It’s a free play, and the results count only if the Rams want them to — the Rams accepted the penalty, so nothing that happened the last play actually happened. No play, no concussion. Case closed.

The fucking LeBrons or whatever

Stupid sexy flounders.

Any NFL franchise who asks for loyalty when contracts are only binding for the player is just pandering to the fan base. Get your money while you can, Julius, and get out while you are healthy. That is a good business plan.

Bridgewater: Two things Christian Ponder couldn't hit if he fell out of a fucking boat.

I hope someone has taken the time to explain to Hammon that Boris Diaw asks everyone to make him a sandwich.

Is this really a shocker? Price whined after last year, they made it up, and then Price drilled him again. Ortiz has been getting the shit booed out of him all weekend. Some jackass fan (a Sox fan no less) cost him a HR in the previous game, so he was already grumpy. Archer threw him an absolute cookie and Oritz

I've broken bones, torn ligaments, and walked into the ER with a smile on my face because shock and adrenaline make everything better. BUT every time I get a foot or leg cramp I fall on the ground and try to get away from the offending appendage as fast as possible while using my fairy voice and cursing like a sailor.

"ha ha - a complete stranger had involuntary muscle cramps that worsened after he tried to continue. " Good job, humanity.

People simply don't cramp at the same rate. To put it another way, within the around 30 minutes of playing time several people put in, who made the highest number of explosive movements to the basket? I mean that's just rough, but I'm sure Lebron was moving the most mass at the highest speeds out there while he was on

Yeah, playing with a cramp is not the same as playing through pain. You can't play with a leg cramp because your leg muscle literally does not function. The pain is beside the point.

can't be more plainly obvious that those deriding LeBron have never cramped while doing anything athletic ever.