Something Something Explosion

In other news: That live-action Dumbo movie is still a thing. Get ready in the coming months for overdrawn think-pieces regarding how they'll handle the crows this time around.

I'll just remain cautiously optimistic about this for now. Shankar said another strong influence on this idea is Dragonball Z, so hopefully that means this series will play up the sci-fi elements of the franchise, and we'll at least get some promising fight scenes out of it. If the upcoming movie ends up being as dumb

Oh, is that what the sauce was? I thought it was just straight-up mayonnaise at first.

Literally. Like, for real.

The broadness of that statement was essentially what I was going for. Just a big blanket response, "Hey fuck [insert unfavored person]!"

Okay, that's fair enough. Man, a reasonable disagreement with something on the Internet, how refreshing!

Okay yeah, I can certainly give you that.

I love how alt-righters like to call their adversaries "pussies" who can't handle criticism. To quote Papa Frank, "No, YOU have a fucking complex!"

Yeah, fuck that guy who's making a living in creative output and very clearly is passionate of his work. I hope he burns in hell!

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you wrote this in a hurry on your phone or something, otherwise I'm a bit befuddled as to why such fervor for a screen-writer would promote such a haphazard use of quotations, symbols, and the use of the world "literally."

Man, is the tone to this article the overall sentiment to the upcoming movie?

You say you "use it for effect," to give people "a taste of their own medicine," yet at the same time your hyperbolic use of it, even in jest, nonetheless attributes its overuse and normalization.

Yeah, I was so expecting it was going to be Jason Mewes.

He would have killed as that curmudgeonly bar owner who fires Miles Teller for not playing Jingle Bells.

So long as they phone Todd back up when they need someone to voice Mephisto or Venom, I'll be content.

As opposed to the role he had in an older Star Trek show, of course.

Anything can warrant to be a little bit better with Tony Todd involved.

Moreso than Affleck not directing a movie that won't come out for several years?

Yeah, I generally don't have any worries in terms of the upcoming film (As a nitpick, my ideal choice would have been Charlize Theron, but I have no problems with Brie Larson).
You'd think after reinventing herself as Captain Marvel, Carol would have been able to avoid the unfortunate mischaracterization that had been

No, as far as I know Sam is still active as Captain America. Rhodey seems to be down for the count though, which, by the way, killing him off just seemed to be in complete bad taste, just doing it to set Tony and Carol's bullshit even further adrift.