Something Something Explosion

…All of them?

Pretty much any of the Marvel shows produced by Man of Action.

I tend to enjoy the episodes that focus more on Mr. Gus and Pizza Steve, especially the Andrew WK guest episode.

Don't forget about the clever subtlety, like how the team had to contend with Red Hulk's HUGE EGO while fighting EGO THE LIVING PLANET.

Oh hey, Genuinely Great Job This Time, Internet!

This is why I love AV Club; I just read the same announcement on ComicVine, which didn't appear to have a trace of self-awareness over how fucking awful even the mere idea of this is.
Hey Frank, why don't you throw your writing desk out for everyone's sake and maybe give Fox News a call? If they let your fellow

*Sigh* Ben is one of my favorite supporting characters in the Daredevil mythos; Matt's Commissioner Gordon in some aspects, and I thought Curtis-Hall did a stellar job.
Oh well, perhaps the new show-runners could introduce Phil Urich and have him fill in where his uncle left off. They could even base him off of the

I understand where all the Iris hate comes from, and I've been doing well in keeping my palm away from my face up to this point. But this episode…Oh, Christ on a bike.

I noticed even in the voice acting there was a whole lot more innocence to her, as opposed to the more crass woman-child of present. She might have grown into that, consciously or not, when Steven became part of the family, thus moving from a scampy only child to a big sister role.

Seeing Greg now from past to present, I have to say: This dude is so uncannily like my own Dad! They both even own vans! (Well, my Dad has a Volkswagen Bus)

It was pretty great; part tribute to old-school mecha anime (At one point the bad guy hurls the park crew into the moon, breaking it in half, then upgrades itself by assembling half of the moon into its armor—and the other part was probably the output of Quintel getting spurned by an exec merchandising meeting;

For a while I thought it was going to fill up half the episode.
I watched this right off the bat from Regular Show's Anime-style opening today.

It's been a while since I've been keeping up with the show, so bear with me here, but it seems as though the Gem's shape-changing ability also extends to choosing one's age as to fit their personalities, which is why Amethyst looked to be around present-day Steven's age, or even younger. Methinks she matured, or as

While I am a little dismayed to hear the pacing is off, I'm still interested. Here's hoping he dons the red duds by the end of the last episode.

I would actaully really love to see Turk pop up as a supporting character eventually.
"Shaddup, Grotto".

I remember back when the Daredevil rights first retreated back to Marvel, there was that initial worry that the material would be desensitized to fit that blood and gore-less PG13 mold the movies have had so far.

David Anders' casting in this show is evidence that total viewings of The Revenant have entered the triple digits.
Also, am I the only one who forgot Liv had a little brother?

I wonder how this season would have turned out if everyone were sent to prison, like Reed originally intended? That one might have also ended up with them stranded in the roadside desert, but with different colored jumpsuits.