One is deciding to take your art in a different direction the other is trying to drive somebodies reputation into the ground.
One is deciding to take your art in a different direction the other is trying to drive somebodies reputation into the ground.
He was the VA in MGS4 and Peace Walker. So he screwed him over by giving him a paycheck?
Hayter does not own the rights to Solid Snake. If the creator and company wants to take things somewhere else he has no right to complain.
“The developers “underestimated how many people would be satisfied with only watching the game,” and became frustrated by the millions of people watching the game on YouTube translating into zero revenue for their years of work.”
Once again, devs are making a false comparison. They assume that if there were no Let’s Play videos, that all the people who watched the Let’s Play would buy the game instead. Not the case. I watch a ton of let’s Plays and have bought many games based upon the player’s gameplay. Firewatch, for example, is a game I…
Orrrrr you could, you know, release an actual game instead of a movie.
One time I uploaded a video of me playing MLB The Show on Vita and vaguely let some background music slip in; that’s when the content holders for that song went nuts. As if, what, I was somehow a) profiting off of it or b) harming their opportunities to profit? Anyway, I wanted to fight out of principle but didnt care…
And it was terrible.
Patiently waiting for the US PC version, myself.
I’ve never had a huge problem avoiding spoilers—but then, I was in my late teens when AOL discs were a thing, so maybe I got lucky and aged past constantly watching shit online?
That’s not meant as a dig, though I understand how it might read. I cannot, for the life of…
Probably because they’re indie and that stuff is way cheaper to make
As opposed to using current gen tech looking different from each other? Similar gen tech/design tends to always look similar no matter the era. There is a market for these types of games just as much as anything coming out now with current gen tech.
I can’t believe they gave early access to Fred Savage and Christian Slater just to promote Super Mario 3!
I used to be able to understand were people are coming from, but I just don’t get it, anymore. Maybe I’m just getting old. I’m turning into an old man who wants to say stuff like “Mario 3 was in arcades in America for months before it made it to the Nintendo Entertainment System” and “Some Nintendo Entertainment…
You have to be pretty entitled to be angry that a Japanese game releases in Japan a whole TWO WEEKS before the West.
Don’t click anything on Youtube or (twitch) for it, problem solved. Or do people really have that much of a self control problem?